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Belief and hope........

I was thinking about this yesterday.....the fine line between the two. I am aware I likely think of things that other people don't, guess I am weird like that lol:) but I have a decent drive to and from work, and it is my music and thinking time;-) and I was thinking of the effort that I expend in believing in my life and my dreams.....and what it requires to keep high flying in them, and keeping that belief right there in my life, and present in my day to day....and while it is not hard for me to believe, not anymore, the consistency can be challenging.....every day I try, and show up for those dreams and goals in some way....some days it is in big ways, some days it is tiny steps toward them....but I am showing up.....and so it got me thinking the difference between belief in the I WILL do something vs. the I hope I do......and they both are important right?? I think so.....maybe just subtly different......but both need to be present......and I think when I found some belief in my life....finally.....and started believing in things that maybe others didn't initially, or maybe still don' changed the game......I have always been a fan of hope.....if we don't have hope, in my opinion, we don't have is one of the life boats in this life I believe, alongside gratitude and faith......but belief is even better.....believing in yourself and believing that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.....and I do, and work toward bolstering that belief whenever doubt shows up.....Mads has monsters at school that they talk about when they are doing their work.....and one of them is the "distraction monster" it shows up to divert you from your goals, and they work on ways to combat it....and I love that....and I guess doubt is the is something that inevitably comes to find us all at different points in our lives, and it is up to us to combat it......and decide how we are going to face those doubts and push past them.....and as I was driving and thinking;-) I thought that the best way to combat the doubt monster, is to just keep showing up as yourself, every single day.....keep showing up.....over and over and as you and the right things find you.....the right things come to visit your life, the right things stay, and find their way into your experience, and the things not meant for you leave.....I have written many times about my therapist's catch phrase, "who do you want to be in this story" is my north star.........and every day I am looking to be the woman I want to be, a woman that doesn't give up, even when it is hard not to.......the one that shows up, and tries even when challenges come to find her....the one that is full of belief in herself and others, that is the woman I am trying to be every day. The one that chooses happiness, peace, and joy over anything that threatens to destroy it. And funnel energy into the things that light me up:) That is my goal.......belief and hope on repeat alongside the rest, day by day:) Have a good day! :)

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