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Beauty Hunters.......

I just started a great book that my cousin had shared with me awhile back......sadly just finding my way to starting has a way of getting a hold of you;-) ....and the author's use of language and imagery is favorite kind of linguistic goodness....and so far I am loving is a memoir....and she runs these workshops....that sound very similar to my women's series......but different......based around yoga and connection among people......and she writes about resonating with the "beauty hunters".......the people that seek the good stuff, and beauty in the world around them.....and I could not agree more......and I love her term.........the world and life is a beautiful long as we keep our eyes peeled......and she talks about alchemizing the fear in the room of her workshops into a connection between strangers....the magic in witnessing people trying to hide away what scares them until they don't, and then they let their real and raw step forward.....and YES.....THAT is it......that is what connects me to coaching......touching somebody's real and raw and their vulnerable......and that is the moment that lights this author up too.....because being human is so messy.....just so messy.....and. being in touch, and helping others get in touch with their messy is life changing.....she writes about the power in sharing her story....and what treasures derive from doing that.....and I agree.....the power in letting others know they are not alone is a game changer.......and when you allow your messy to show and put your truth out to be examined, somehow it makes others feel safe to do the same.....and I will never stop holding space for that.....deeply listening to a person's human condition.....and allowing them the space to be real.....and heard.....this woman sounds like she too has had an odyssey of sorts.....and has found similar experiences....and found similar treasures and lessons along the way.....I am excited to keep reading and feeling it resonating.....and yeah the concept of "beauty hunters".......THOSE are the people I seek to be around.....the ones that SEE and GET that the world is beautiful....always.......and so is life even when it is heart is still an extraordinary gift to be human, and get to experience every bit of I will enjoy continuing to read her book.....feeling the kindred vibes, and continue to be and find my fellow "beauty hunters".....each and every day!

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