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Be MY Valentine

Today is Valentine's Day! A day where we think about LOVE, in a more intentional way;-) I am home with my boy today, he isn't feeling well we are off to Urgent Care today to find out what crud got a hold of him.....and I am going to rock my Valentine's sweater taht I was actually prepared for this year lol:) but it is in line with what I wanted to write about today! This is the 3rd Valentine's Day I have been sans a valentine;-) and it is a day that I have shifted my focus and intent is the day that I celebrate the self love I have found and the fact that I have learned to love ME too:) My mission in helping women has expanded.....I seek to help the woman in my position....first and foremost and they find me organically:) but I also seek to help ANY woman....any woman that wants to find more love for themselves....and help them enrich their lives by showing themselves some love! The women of the Fit series aren't all women walking my path....they come from all different places in their lives, most of them happily married....all with different reasons for wanting to get healthier.....and I love it, and am here for that too! Expanding my desire and passion to help! So as I said, this day reminds me of the love I give to me....every single day.......but I am also committed to the love I give to my kids.....I put a ring on my left hand early on with their names, shifting my commitment from my ex to them.....a commitment I take very despite not wanting to miss work, here I am caring for my sick and sweet boy....not worrying about running out of time, nothing to be done about it......and I have always poured love into my kids.....from the moment I held them, and looked into their eyes they became a part of my intentionality and focus....but I for sure didn't love and care for myself for many years....leaving my needs on the back burner, or denying them a sacrifice to being a wife and a mother....and wanting everybody else to be taken care of.......and that is part of my self love mission for women.....allowing them to claim a spot in their OWN be PRESENT in their lives and INTENTIONAL.....carving out a spot in the day that is their to themselves.....realizing it is OK to do fact it is necessary....I believe you don't realize how neglected you have been until you begin to care for least that is what I found....the difference in the way I feel has been amazing beyond the way I look and the changes in my body.....and choosing every day to treat myself like somebody I love has been a game changer in every way! So I asked myself way back when to "Be MY Valentine" and I meant it:) Staying committed to loving on me, and my kids fiercely in the after math......and I have never been sorry for that, never.....and I share this today as a gut ask you to ask yourself if you feel the love you shower on others? Or if you feel loved by you? Sometimes I wish somebody had asked them to me back then....;-) It may have rattled my cage some ;-) Happy Valentine's Day y'all! Hope your day is filled with love, whatever that means for you! :)

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