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Balance arrives........

I wrote about some challenges arriving yesterday and then balance arrived some yesterday.....I spoke with my Pastor about it all and it was a great conversation and brought some peace and light to the when that happens.....and women's series night was awesome last night......had a great night connecting......the topic being mindfulness, meditation, and stress management........appropriate right?? ;-) We meditated together.....and talked about it afterward.......I was so excited to talk about the meditation after.......because it is one I have done a bunch......and my vision throughout it, is pretty solid.....but I was so curious what the other women would imagine through the guided meditation......and listening to their imagery......and all their dreams......and the things that came up in the meditation for was awesome.........and it was just a sweet night to connect and be filled was just what I had needed.....and it is always a reminder that relief is around the corner......... always.....and that nothing in this life is one way......and that we have more power in our lives than we believe in terms of what we do to soothe ourselves, and create and hold onto peace in our lives......we just do.......and meditation is one I use a lot.....sometimes I need to do it a few times a day......and have, many days......meditating in the morning vs the evening is an interesting difference......provides a different experience......often at night I drift off into this lovely sleep......deep and restful......and last night when we were talking about it all and sharing.....I was reminded how far I have come in the beginning my mind was full of chatter.......I really had trouble getting it to quiet.....and I had tried it quite a few times in life.......and then gave up........but this time around.......when I decided to pick up the habit, I added the special really is where all the magic and success lives in our lives......anything we put effort into consistently, has no choice but to choice......and that perhaps is one of my biggest ahas on this journey......the power of consistency in every direction and maintaining it being mindful in my day.....imparting peace to my soul.......and meditating among those women was I decided to combine what I had planned for the next two weeks and have them to my house next is one of the women's birthdays.......we can celebrate our journey......I will be interested in feedback and to create a direction moving forward of what this will look like as I build my coaching business.....and I am looking so forward to it.....and just grateful for it all......truly.......beautiful balance........

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