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Back in the FLOW!!:)

And just like that I am back up on the cosmic highway.....wind blowing in my hair;-) Yesterday I had such a great consult call with my coach.....and she really helped me GET OUT OF MY OWN WAY!!! LOL:) I have written a powerful women's series......I believe in it.....I believe it would have helped me tremendously after my divorce.....all of that and so much more....YET.....I have been stalled out in my head about it......procrastinating on giving it its wings! Not sure why......but my coach loved what I have come up with as much as I do, and anybody I have discussed it with does therapist believes in many people..... has been stalled at this phase for a couple of now my little engine that could is a rolling down the tracks again, toward making this women's series come to life......I am shooting to do it weekly October thru November......either 6 weeks or 8 depending on what I think will work best.......I am providing childcare for the moms I am wanting to have be a part of that is not a barrier:) Single mother childcare is so challenging.........I am making the cost reasonable each week........I am having it at my church.....there is an awesome outside pavilion and inside space if the weather is inclement.......I have already spoken to my Pastor and he loves the idea too, and supports my using the space and is running it by the counsel this week:) So come mid August my plan is to put a video out there, create an online flyer, and put an article in the addition to putting flyers out into the community! My hope for this series is for women post divorce, or in single motherhood, or mothers in general to find tools to help them move forward, and a new community of other women to rely on for support.:) I am also excited about the endless opportunities for us to learn from one another in a group coaching environment. I know what I have planned will be valuable to us all, and writing it has sort of been the perfect pairing of my inner teacher and coach rolled into one:) Each week builds upon the last, and offers room for growth each and every in one day, by beginning to feed my dream again.....and make some moves toward it, it has new life moving through it, just like that:) My coach also believes that the Bark idea is good......getting those referrals, so that is next too, and I worked on some of the back office stuff I still needed to clean up with her too! It is so easy to stay paralyzed in the the our minds......but that isn't what is going to move anything forward.......I know that clearly, yet I got yesterday I was wildly grateful to get unstuck! Getting this women's series off the ground is a dream for me offer hope and solutions to women that have had broken hearts or are still suffering, or women struggling to find their way, or women looking for new ways.....any and all of the above......being in their shoes in my life gives me the unique perspective of truly being able to connect and empathize in every way with their journey......and together we can move mountains, and chase the life of our dreams, arm in arm:)

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