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Well here we are, in year creeping on up....ready or not here we come lol:) And truthfully work coming up doesn't bother me at all....I love so many of the people I work with, and miss them.....and the summer space has filled my cup and made me feel restored.......and I still love working with kids, and the art of teaching after all of this time......I am lucky indeed:) But juggling my kids......and when they get sick....and two hour delays, and conflicting schedules......makes That is not my favorite part.......Being divorced and being a single working mom, has made me vulnerable in a way that has been challenging for me.....needing to rely on people, and putting myself out there in ways that are uncomfortable.......I seek to do as much as I can myself in my life, fiercely independent always....and that has been an impossibility in my new life......I cannot do it all myself.....I cannot be in all places at all times.....and I have needed people along the way to fill in the gaps......and so far it has worked out......and I have been grateful for that......I am working on plans for this school year.....and figuring out how I will make it all work again.....and it is coming together.....have some potential solutions on the horizon.....and the next couple of weeks will be made of making school plans.....of last minute doctor appointments.....and adventures with my kids, before we step into the school is Gabe's senior year.....gulp......makes my belly jiggle just to type much this year that will be celebrated.....and felt......and I am so proud of the young man he is becoming......I am getting him his cardiologist check up......he used to go to Children's Hospital in Philadelphia each year to his specialist's appointments.....but as time has gone on he has done great, and needed less and less of that.....but his heart needs to be we will do that....there are some things with his legs and feet that I am looking to tackle next.....really pursuing helping them, as his growth is coming to an end.....and I am sure lots of feelings will be felt this year as I approach his senior year on my own.....and I am as ready as I ever will be.....gosh it came quick.....I feel like he was just that little guy entering kindergarten, having a terrified mama wondering if he would be OK.....if kids would accept him.....if it would all be OK.....and here we I am deeply breathing as August steps up.....and savoring the last days of summer:) Happy Saturday!

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