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Audacity and anchors..........

THIS week......has been a week.....ironically the full moon and eclipse were lovely for me, bringing some new treasures.......and Thursday night was lovely.......but the rest of the week was challenging for sure.....last night was also lovely, and that moon was something still.......the harvest moon is my favorite I think.....I love the orange and the feel of fall closing in.....but I wasn't sad that it was Friday......and I have mentioned the intense astrology that I feel has been afoot in my own story since spring.....and maybe the collective too......because that is the fascinating thing to me....the transits touch our own little lives.....but they also move the collective to where it needs to be......evolving or touching the whole world to inspire technological advances, or cures to diseases......and everything in as much as I trust what happens in my own story on any given day......I also trust what is happening in the world even though it can look and feel grim sometimes.......or lately often times........and audacity is loud.....I have felt some lately......and just have been left shaking my head......wondering how people in the position they are in have the nerve to say those things or have that much audacity......but it is in those moments that I feel my anchors......first of all my ego is not up in it anymore......when you are run by your ego or needing to be right, or feeling the weight of everybody's stuff, of their words of their everything, it leaves you needing to also leaves you wildly vulnerable to EVERYTHING..........I have no such need.......I know so clearly my truth and the truth of this all, that all I need to do is remain peaceful, and steady and come back to quiet.....and discernment, and feel my way through it all.....I need not react.....respond yes.....react never.....once somebody has you reacting you have I am biding my time in it all....and being mindful and methodical about my moves........and leaning in to my anchors......the things that bring me peace and joy......and the people that do......and utilizing them fully.......the kids will be with their dad today. It is the first weekend in a little bit. I have plans with some women tonight for dinner, women that fill my spirit and cup.....and help bring inspiration to my life for myself and my business......and I look forward to that.....being intentional about how I am spending my time this weekend.....also spending time in the new love space I have found.....finding balance in all things.....and allowing things to unfold as it all should......I have chores to catch up on too from this week.....and the woods are calling to me too......and exercise, and prayer, and and brunch perhaps too.........all anchor I will amid the audacity.....and that is what will help me find the other side.....Amen:) Happy Saturday!

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