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Attracting your tribe.........

I spoke awhile back about manifestation and meditation and some of the cool things I have learned. It all is extremely fascinating to me and I have just scratched the surface. I believe we all vibrate a frequency, an energy that attracts things and people back to us......and obviously the more in line with what we want in this life we are, and the more we remain true to ourselves, the truer the things are that we attract......closer to us and where we are headed.....I have met a lot of new people lately.....adding to my tribe of people......and have also had some doors close shut very firmly, letting me know that I am moving on too.....and some of the new people have been new women in my life.....ones that I feel a kindred spirit or sorts with....women I feel connected to, by the paths we are choosing in this life.....and alongside that I have known and seen clearly who will remain in my forever tribe, friends I have had forever..........all important things to be clear on........I have felt powerless in my life before, a long time ago, feeling I was powerless to change anything and was just subject to what was happening to me.....that really could not be furthest from the truth.....we have so much power in our minds to manifest a life we want to a real sense.....our thoughts become things.....that is true......the power of our mindset rules our lives......and I truly believe that when you focus on the good the good keeps growing......when you mind your thoughts it is powerful and necessary.......because once our mindset drifts and deteriorates, so does our I have been really intentional in meditating and manifesting the life I want to live, and so far it has been successful......I am truly happy and content in my life in nearly every way at the moment......happy to watch the scenery roll by as I cruise along and learn my lessons and meet my tribe.......for as long as I can remember I don't use the word problem.....I don't say that is a problem......I have switched it to the word challenging.....that is a challenge......or this situation is is small and silly but feels and hits differently when it is spun in a different context.....and it helps as doors are slamming and new ones are opening, I am trusting it all.....knowing that as I travel I am carefully crafting my reality through my attitude and perception......perception is all we have right.....we perceive our lives and then our lives live up to those we must perceive carefully;-) and I suppose my confidence in things have grown which helps too.....I know now that I can survive whatever comes......being leveled to the degree I was and being able to get back up.....has increased my faith in all things......knowing when the rubber hits the road I can survive......I have some visualizations I do daily......powerful ones.....some affirmations......meditation......and it helps me be intentional about what is vibrating my way.....what I am attracting into my reality.....there is a school of thought that all we desire is waiting for us.....just outside the realm of what we can see, and that if we can figure out how to match our vibration to it, it can manifest in the real cool is that to think of? I find it fascinating......and it sort of rings true to me......thinking of the power our minds and hearts hold........I have a deep sense that the next year will be full of new people stepping tribe experiences, viewpoints, adventures, and new actions.......and I look forward to it all!

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