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Attachment breaks.............

So early on in this I described primal panic and what it means to be attached to "your person" and when a breach has happened to me, in terms of betrayal and losing your person, your primal attachment is such that your soul panics.......goes into this reeling period as the attachment breaks........if you read about it it is a deep and painful breaking in somebody's heart and soul.............however now I am in a different place with our soul's detaching from one another in this was sort of like in the beginning the tearing of our soul connection felt like raw and painful........a giant wound as we separated.......messy and jagged and not clean in any way......... and as I have traveled the last 6 months.......24 weeks on the dot.......the wound has broken longer bleeding........a healthy scab over top.....and our souls have more tearing and shredding...... a much cleaner break...............I will always likely be capable of being reminded of our soul's attachment, and I know that there is more detachment to come and work through.........maybe forever......... and I am not naive enough to think I won't feel that again as we travel forward......but an enormous piece of our now unattached.......fully..........I can feel it with all that I am that it is gone.........somebody I wasn't sure I could ever live without is somebody I AM living without.......and it is OK............truly............and truth is.......the way he is acting is making that so much easier.....the breaking of the attachment......the moving on......all of it..........his ugliness and brokenness is setting me free.....because if he had remained the man I married somehow through this......the ripping of our connection would have hurt that much more.......lasted that much longer.....been that much more painful............the missing even more excruciating......but the fact that I recognize nothing in him any longer........and the man that has replaced him is not the man I fell in love with once upon a time ...........and loved fiercely not all that long ago.........he is not a man I have anything in common with at all, and certainly not a man I would fall in love with in my new life.........not even it makes our attachment break easier........much better for me........allows me to break away and walk free in my life, and on my path.......without additional burdens to carry...........and as hard as it is to watch him become a horrid stranger.......I often feel grateful that it is this way.........and that he is not decent, sweet, and kind to me least most of the time.........there are times however where I catch glimpses of him and feel him there.........when he is in my presence, face to face, and not putting on a show for his girlfriend to make her insecurities quiet her dysfunction............he is a different man......more like my old man........but mostly still gone...........not my Nick died and is gone for good I am is now abundantly clear we are traveling different paths in this so stark in contrast it is startling.........shocking truly........all anybody has to do is look at each of us to see our soul's path clearly.........and I never thought our paths would ever be separate........always thought we would travel the road together, hand and hand, forever and ever........I really always did........but our attachment has broken........and I have let go of his hand in this life........for good.......

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