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Attaching to the journey not the outcome...........

My instructor for my life coach class always talks about how she is a "recovering perfectionist." That she has come to terms with that in her life, and released the hold perfectionism had on her. I can relate to some of that for sure myself, and am finding my way on the other side. Having my life show up to test my willingness to do that, often. To release that we cannot be attached to outcome. When we want stuff to go the way we planned, or the way we think it should, and then it goes a totally different way, we need to stop and not judge the way it went, we need to accept that the way it materialized for us was the right way......even if it wasn't the vision we had planned or hoped for......that somehow the experience or the thing we set out to do did not fall was just different.....and different is not is just I am trying to implement this simple yet powerful practice in my own life......attached to my journey not the outcome.....I know the nudge to move has found me, but I do not attach to moving as a successful outcome for that nudge.....because I am keenly aware that something else may step forward in the next few months that may change it all........recently I had been going through a behind the scenes sorta journey with somebody.....and as it began to evolve I was keenly aware that it wasn't going to turn out the way I wished it would or wanted it to......that the power of our situation and what seemed to be in line, wasn't going to materialize in a real sense.......and in that moment I had a choice......the choice to absolutely rail against what I had imagined............hoped for......longed for.....OR accept what is......that the outcome that showed up is the one that is meant for me.....that again I become reminded that I am on this ride called life.....and I can make plans.....and God always knows better than I, what is for me and what isn't........I have total faith in what is out there for is a powerful place to be just trust....NO MATTER WHAT.....what disappointment comes....what heartache.....what less than perfect thing comes to visit......and there is real FREEDOM and PEACE in being able to do it.....and I was glad to have a situation to practice it......practice it in a situation that I cared about that I was invested that matters to me......and be able to stare at the different outcome and say OK.....I trust you.......I accept this.......and also know what is beyond this point must be worth it all......because I have learned being able to let go of my marriage.....accept what was......I have found better beyond......and that is always the case if we think about it.....the job that didn't work out led us to that better job.....the house deal that falls through leads us to that house we love......the circumstances that don't pan out come bearing silver linings in the moment but often rainbows in the I am mindful each and every day of what isn't working out for me and understanding that it is likely working out for me........I just don't know that yet:). BUT I BELIEVE:)

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