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Astrologically speaking.......

SO...a little while ago I wrote about the beauty of astrology.......the idea that the planets all were in a certain position when you were born, welcoming you into this life with your map.....God's plan for your life laid out carefully, with such precision and care:) Each planet spinning through orbit and coming in and out of your life, as the years march on, bringing you the experiences you have based on what lessons they carry with is FASCINATING to me and never gets old to learn more......I also find it really beautiful.....such a lovely way to think of what finds us......and as I pay more attention, I am much more aware of the cosmic shifts that take place in my own life......I can feel the energy out there, and whether it is bringing me something positive or challenging......and I feel like it helps guide my intuition these days yesterday I wrote about doors opening this weekend again.....and opportunities presenting themselves....then yesterday I connected with my astrology friend, who is really so gifted, and so passionate about what she does.....we had decided to barter coaching her with something she is working on, and in exchange some astrological info. I already owe her so much, I am in the red for sure:) She has shared so much with me! So yesterday I did a coaching session with her and then we started speaking about astrology, and I asked her about what came into my life on Saturday and explained all the circumstances around it......and it was confirmed in my chart based on where everything is aligned, and it is most definitely an opportunity I should seize! It was confirmed in a super precise way......not vague was amazing! It is SO SO interesting to me to have these things confirmed in that know that what I have carried in my heart all these years about life, about all of it...... that there really are no coincidences......but more than that there is a plan of question......and I suppose we can find ourselves in the cosmic shifts, and not ride them, or follow them.....or fight them even......but some of them are so strong there is no way we can avoid them......and I feel like the big changes that have come to my life....for instance the end of my marriage, that had been written in my chart.....and that was certainly out of my control.......but there are subtle nuances to take hold of, putting yourself in front of an opportunity that is meant for I try to go where my heart leads......where my spirit feels drawn......and clearly where God and the universe lead......I know some people wince at the use of the world universe, and feel it diminishes their faith, or God.....and for me I don't see it that way at all.....I know clearly there is a creator of all of it......believe in God's work in my life with my whole heart, and that he created these celestial forces and they are in line with him.......not separate of him......or diminishing.....the universe is vast and mysterious and comes carrying such amazing things for us all.....and it is mind blowing to think of how those forces work in all of our life being so small, and the cosmic shift that happened this weekend that brought this opportunity to me, was the same cosmic shift that was impacting so many others at the same time, in exciting and significant ways! I just love it was fun to have the feeling I had in my heart about it, be confirmed by my celestial movement:) Trusting God's plan for my life.......the one that has been written in the stars!

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