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Armor up.......

I had a moment of clarity find me the other day that was pretty profound......last year teaching was super challenging.....amid the coming off of Covid, and a bunch of other factors, it was really really challenging.......some days to the point of questioning my willingness to stay.....and this year is much better.....again for many reasons.....but it also occurred to me that my ability to deflect and protect my energy has also gotten much better and changed my energy......just as I have laid boundaries in my life for the people in my life.....I also have at work......there are certain things that I won't participate in anymore because it threatens to destroy my peace or rob me of energy I am unwilling to expend......I won't participate in needless complaining about stuff that won't change with other people.....I sometimes struggle to not get caught in the crosshairs....but I am intentional about removing myself from any places and situations, where I will be at risk of doing those things.....and the difference is kind of amazing.....I also feel that the front loading I do in my morning helps tremendously......I come in in a good mood, and ready to go, and seek to stay in that that is not to say I do not support my friends or listen to what they have to say, or their concerns......and empathize.....I really try to......but it is from a more detached place.....I am no longer subject to having another person's energy grab mine, if that makes I am wearing armor.....and allowing the things I do not want in my life any longer bounce off.....and able to walk around, and spend my day in a stressful environment but not let the stress get in......teaching can be a stressful profession, ......but armoring up is is never worth our health to let ourselves get swept up in futile things......some things just are, and focusing on problem solving or simply accepting, instead of lamenting is much better......I saw part of a documentary on health and that most disease comes from stress.....and I believe it.....that even despite healthy habits, if a person is constantly stressed their health will is paramount to try our best to not give in to that.....and not think it is harmless to allow yourself to be swept up into a conversation that leaves you feeling more stressed, and raises your blood pressure, and in a frenzy with no resolution......there just isn't......and you can still support people without getting swept up in their storms.....and sometimes I wish I could tell someone in the moment about this, and try and quiet their soul some....but I think it is the type of thing that has to be understood firsthand, or talked about when somebody is in the meantime I will wander around the storms around me with my armor on, maintaining my smile and peace amid it all......because I am choosing my health and peace over the rest, some things are not worth it........and it is starting to filter into all parts of my life and I am so grateful for that:) Armor up y'all;-)

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