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Another summit!

On Tuesday I will be a part of another online summit to share my story and speak my truth! It is an online summit I am a part of, and in part will be taking place to promote our book....sharing each of the stories of how we got here......and it is what I want to do in the world.....speak, and write as much as I can, and touch lives wherever I can....and having this forum will be an amazing way to do that......It has been awhile since I have shared my story on that platform so I am excited to have the opportunity to do that......And each time it is more practice for me to be able to get more comfortable speaking, and doing the things I seek to......I have goals of being on bigger stages and speaking, and even a Ted Talk on my horizon.....but for now it is baby steps toward those things.....things have been building in their time, and my business is holding its own.....and I am working toward the things I want.....and I was thinking the other day how lucky I am that I truly enjoy teaching still and can have it sustain me as I build this other part of my life and have both of the parts work together so beautifully.....really the perfect marriage of I will continue to focus my efforts on growing.....writing.....speaking....doing all the things I want to do......that will all put me in line for my big goal one day of my retreat leap at a time.....and I am honored to speak on Tuesday alongside the other folks that are there.....all sharing powerful stories of overcoming things in their life and transforming their story.....I have another women's series on the horizon for October.....and I am hammering out the final details......I am still doing the wellness coaching for the Dr. Pathak's office, and am enjoying that immensely, and I also have a few clients I work with individually.....and a few more I have been speaking to to see how coaching could help their lives....and it all helps bolster my resolve and commitment to my own journey........I am so very blessed to have been placed in this position in my life.....and been given the tools and platform needed to impart change, not only in my life but in the lives of others.....pain with a purpose is the most magnificent kind:) and humbling kind......and I will never be less grateful that I GET TO live THIS life.....a life of intention and autopilot in site! Happy Wednesday:)

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