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Another one.....

Yesterday was another lovely day....I slept in....which is rare.....and I had a slow morning and then I worked out....and ran errands.....I went to the Farmer's market which I don't get to do often....and then went to Lowe's and TJ Maxx, and grabbed my groceries, and met a friend for a little bit in the late afternoon....and I just was present in all of it....enjoying it.....and there is such power in that small shift....and the grateful feeling....feeling gratitude from deep within no matter the circumstance....finding the silver lining, and hanging onto it tightly....and then my kids came home last night....they too had a good weekend....and I was glad they were home....I always am....when I hear them coming up the steps it feels as if all is right again in the world again:) I enjoyed the weekend and did so many of the things that fill my cup.....and today we have Rock Star day at school....which will be so fun....our kiddos will do their lip synch for the school, and we will all have so much fun.....One of the most fun days of the year! I still am not quite sure what I will wear but am trusting it will come together;-) I am really looking forward to slowing down my single mom routine, and not juggling work and motherhood for a couple of is such a take this time to recharge and reboot! Mads will have school longer than Gabe and I, but it will still slow stuff down in the meantime....and I am spending the time she is still in school doing some stuff just Gabe and I, and chores that I need to so when she is off we can adventure some.....I am already crafting my list of things that need to get done, and making a plan to achieve it.....while also planning fun this summer, trying to strike that balance:)

I will be sad to say goodbye to this class this has been a really unique year.....they are fun, and I enjoy them so much, and the effects of teaching during Covid are starting to fall away and some normalcy has taken year's class will be the first one that wasn't impacted by being out of school due to Covid or any of I am curious what that will be like my plan is to enjoy the last couple of days, and enjoy my students, and have some fun before we say goodbye! Such a privilege to walk in their lives each year and have them walk in mine:) Happy Monday!

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