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Another first this weekend!

I think what always strikes me and gives me such a shot of joy as I walk the path I am on, is the new opportunities and experiences that have been able to come as a result.....because I am more awake and able to notice the things that are good for me......the experience of that being a clear one.....and awhile back I was sitting in church and my Pastor and another woman from church began to talk about a spiritual retreat that was coming up for adults at a place called Koinonia. It isn't too far from here.......The name of the treat center is Koinonia, however the word also means -

"Christian fellowship or communion, with God or, more commonly, with fellow Christians." So as I sat in church and they talked about the intention for the retreat, and how beautiful it was....and that there is a chance for great hiking there too, I was struck by the overwhelming understanding that I needed to sign question.....having never been on a retreat before.....and alongside that understanding I had recently worked with a woman on building my business, and shared my big overall dream of creating a retreat center.....and she said if you want to build something like that, you have to be somebody that goes on retreats.....and that really resonated....she was right! So this was affordable enough to get my feet wet, and the group of people that are going from church are super lovely....I like them all very much......lots of couples and then Jenn;-) But I do not mind.....I know that won't feel like anything and that I am in for a truly special weekend.....a time to renew, restore, and rejuvenate my spirit......and if I am being honest, my past understanding of my faith and my spirituality, may have prohibited me from signing up.....feeling like committing to a retreat was too much for me....maybe too formal away to express my faith?? ....afraid some to go all in to all the areas that feed my spiritual feelings and understanding is so vast and wide....encompassing so much......and so many things.....Universal understanding and God......and everything in between....none of them being separate, all of it being fluid......and the church that I go to, really gets that.....and I feel also understands what it means to be spiritual in a broader sense.....beyond the Bible and weekly church services and really understand what it means to converge with the divine....and experience it all in every part of your see Jesus in your daily life and the moments that take our breath see such beauty, such peace, and such love.....and know that a divine force has had their say......and so I am more than excited to step out and spend this weekend on this retreat.....saying yes to myself again.....yes to feeding my soul......and my heart......and my mind.....and to choose something that will come bearing benefits beyond this weekend.....the kids are with their dad and excited to be seeing him....and I am grateful for me space to do this........and while they enjoy their time with their dad, I will nurture my soul and spirit......and I cannot stress this enough to anybody reading this that is feeling depleted.....because I have been there.....take the time to feed your soul, in any way that makes sense for you or feels right:) And then do it every day in some changes everything....... I am so looking forward to going tonight and will be blogging the experience and embracing all of it.....Stay tuned.......Amen!

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