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Angels walk among us........

I believe this to be true.....and it seems to be lately I have been meeting my fair share....people I am meeting or coming across that are able to fill a need I so desperately need to before and aftercare for my kids for this upcoming school year.....all the pieces have fallen into place fairly nicely as the year is about to begin.....and interestingly enough these things have been filled with folks I don't really know all that parents are still picking up two days but the rest of my army of folks, to fill the rest of the days, are not well known to me......but known through circumstance and through other people I know, and have such a willingness to help me accomplish what it is that I need to accomplish.....and it makes me feel so so grateful......Juggling all of the moving parts alone can be really tiring.....and feel really overwhelming......and I have been trying to remain focused on one part at a time....not allowing the whole staircase to overwhelm.....just looking at the one step.....and it has paid of last night the holes in my school year schedule have been filled....:) my middle bathroom upstairs is leaking, which is another challenge......and my cousin's husband just offered to come and take a look this weekend to help me start to solve it.....which makes me feel grateful.....what an enormous blessing......and then my garage door.....the cable snapped the other night.....who knew right? Certainly not me.....and I can solve some things but not that.....and yesterday I spent the day spinning in the logistics of how I was going to get it fixed......wondering how that would the midst of the wondering and stressing some, I continued my mantra of "everything is always working out for me".......saying it in my head and aloud throughout the day......and truthfully yesterday I was having some trouble believing it, due to how tired I was.....the last few days having filled my heart but zapped my energy;-) I persisted despite not sure how much I believed in what I was saying......the reality feeling daunting.........and before I knew it my neighbor.....also somebody I do not know too well, was set to the work of solving it for me.....standing in my garage and measuring for the new parts......after me getting crazy quotes from garage guys.....ones that I cannot tackle right now.....and I think one of the greatest gifts a person can give to give them something they cannot give to installing the cables in my garage.....I am not sure that I can convey the gratitude I feel for that....and how humbled it makes me to have all of these folks stepping in, and stepping up, and willing to help drive Mads to her her after a couple of days of week till I can pick her up after work......cover Gabe a few times after school.....all just with a willingness of help another person with gladness in their hearts.......angels indeed walk among us.....I can attest to the fact that they exist and are all around us......each and every day.....:) Amen!

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