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And there it is again.......

Yesterday I did some chores and got a good workout in, and decided that the kids and I should hike in our favorite spot......I also had a coaching session for the end of the day, so it was a perfect way to spend the time in has been awhile since we have been there.....Mads saw a small snake coming out of the brush the last time and was out lol:) She wanted to leave on the spot lol.....she doesn't realize that snakes are around us all the time when we hike, we have just been lucky to not see them too often;-) we went to the waterfall and Mads was wrestling to get a stick to bring home, it was right out of reach.....and I told her it wasn't meant for her....too big and too stuck where it was, and we would find another.....she was wildly disappointed, and doubting the fact that we the meantime a man and his kids came and spotted a black snake sunning itself on a rock and started messing with it and we took our leave.....but before that I had said a prayer by the waterfall.........about a situation in my life that has been ongoing.....and I asked for a specific sign to show up to confirm a specific answer......and then we took our leave......and on the way out, on one of the bridges it was swarming with dragonflies......and there it is......again....confirmation. Timely as I wrote my blog about all of it yesterday.....and it never gets less magical or profound to me, or comforting for that know what when I express myself deeply to the universe, and to God, I am being heard.....and shown that I wow:) so I began talking about it with Mads and Gabe......she had seen me praying and asked about it....and I told her as I have before....that she can always talk to God and to people that are in heaven and that she will be heard.....and that she can ask for signs too for answers......and she thought that was amazing.....she wanted to ask God if she will teach art when she is older, and she said she saw a butterfly that confirmed that;-) but then they started talking about death, and both of them have been musing about that a lot lately.....I remember going through that as a kid too, being preoccupied with losing my parents etc......and Mads says she hopes I live to be 110, and I said I agree lol but I told her no matter what she need not worry I am always there, never too far from either she and Gabe.....and that I believe we get to live as long as we are supposed to, and God decides that....that there is a purpose for each of our lives......and that that fact should bring us the peace to enjoy our lives, and that we are supposed to be good to ourselves, and our bodies, and be kind and love people, and help people......and then she talked about my mom and dad, wanting them to live a long life too, and musing about the fact that maybe if God knows how much you love somebody he will let them live longer....what a sweet sentiment from my sweet girl:) It melted my heart.......I told her she need not worry about any of just love on the people in her life while they are here........ and trust it all...... and always lean on her faith when she is feeling troubled......expressing her feelings aloud and waiting for guidance and answers.....she took it all in....and while we had been in the woods Mads found a suitable replacement stick to bring home, actually two.....and we always refer to her finds as Gabe was asking about another stick and asking if it was treasure.....and I told him whether it is treasure or not is up to the person that finds it.....treasure is in the eye of the beholder.....and then he said that Mads and I are treasure to him and my heart melted on the spot:)......I have said it so often, but I truly mean it......the relationship I share with my children I believe is so unique and special.....we have such a deep fondness and ease amongst is easy to be with them, and I enjoy their company so deeply.......and now during the last 2.5 years that bond has only strengthened even more......becoming this fierce bond in our party of 3.......I hope both of them take the lessons I share and hold the conversations we have close to their hearts, and when they are older remember the magic we all shared together among the trees.......that is my prayer:) and that I be given the opportunity to share that with my grandchildren someday too;-) What a lovely thought:)

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