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And there it is......

So yesterday was so fun.....I am hoping we got some good shots to use for my website.....and business site.....and I had decided last minute to get my make up done for the shoot....because my photography friend was helping me with the pictures so I wanted them to be more professional.....and felt that would the makeup artist I ended up finding ended up being the person I needed.....I have these in between beliefs about our journeys, and the destined nature of them mixed with the power of manifesting the life you want........ by speaking and breathing life into what you want.....and literally asking aloud for those things.....and that our lives are also so much a reflection of what goes on I believe I kinda manifested this woman.....she was really nice and we got chatting about what I was up to for the day....she was sweet with my kids....and I told her about my coaching business, and mission, and how I arrived in this place, and how I run women's series and the things we discuss at the series.....and she immediately volunteered to do make up demos, or lessons as a part of it, to help women, and I loved that.....and then we got talking about social media and my love hate with the marketing aspect of it all, and turns out she loves that, and is good at it, and offered to help me! And there it is.......And I have been putting it out there vocally in my blog, or otherwise, my desire for some assistance in that area and it showed up! :) And it showed up because I followed a nudge, and breadcrumb to go for getting my make up done, even though I sorta tried to talk myself out of it....but needed to do it to move my business forward.....investing some in that, and professional pictures to add to the mix.....So it felt like I manifested her....and we hit it off and I am hopeful my relationship with her will help us both, and move us both forward in the ways we want to......It got my wheels spinning about other ideas to support my mission and so many things......and it strikes me so often how many new people are in my new life.....I am blessed to have some oldies but goodies too;-) people I have loved a long time.....but no question I have a lot of new friends and people in my life now that have become so special to me....and I also believe that too.....I believe we have a vibrational energy......a frequency.....a vibe, and we attract people that are in line with that energy....and when folks fall away from us and out of our experience, it is because we are no longer it would make sense that as I change and evolve some, more characters step into my story:) In my old life I didn't meet many new old life was sort of routined and predictable in terms of my social circle....having the same job for nearly 20 years I didn't meet many people, and being a mom and a wife.....but now that part of my life has opened up.....and it is cool to think there are people I haven't met yet, that will matter so much to me, and I to them:) I love meeting the new people that are supposed to be a part of this journey, and learning their story, and she felt like that to excited to see what is up ahead:) Happy Friday!

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