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And here we are........

So Mads has the flu and Gabe has RSV.....yeah I know right?? Not even the same germ, and now I am hoping they don't swap, and that I can dodge both of them lol;-) YIKES! And it is a lesson in patience.....this isn't how I wanted to spend my break....not even close.....I had different ideas and plans...but that is the trick of life right? Us making plans, and God and life making other ones.....and in the acceptance is our peace....for sure.....I know that....Both of the kids are holding their for that I am grateful....they are turning a corner of sorts.....and I have lots of stuff here to keep me busy....yesterday we ran to Urgent Care, they do a swab to tell the crud that has got a hold of ya;-) and it was packed with sick kids, and moms holding those sick kids.....and walking the same path as us.....tis the season right;-) And I was grateful to find out what it was and grab some provisions and head thing we haven't been able to do enough of lately is to get into the woods as much as we were.... our plans rerouted by all sorts of things, and illness mostly....Gabe has been sick a lot the last couple of my goal for the new year is to get out at least once a week, on the weeks I have the truly does wonders for the mind and immune system! So that is one of the things that has been bouncing around in my mind and New Year's intentions.....I like to call them intentions, instead of resolutions.....feels better, and seems to make them this week I plan on writing out my new intentions for this next year.....I have some really fun ones in my mind....and some things I want to be more intentional about in the NEW year.....loving the clean slate and the opportunity for growth and change as I step into 2024.....So I will spend some time working through that......I am hopeful by the weekend the kids and I will find ourselves in the woods somewhere.....and that they will be feeling better.....And I really believe if we don't set intention in our lives, our day to day.....our years.....they just go by anyway....without a purpose, or way that suits us......I mean..... I cannot believe I am sitting here post Christmas, when it seemed as if Christmas was just here a minute ago.....I guess as we age that intention becomes more important.....I also intend to work with more women in the New Year that want to go after a more intentional life....whatever that means for them....coaching is such a beautiful vehicle to make all of that happen.....I know this New Year holds lots of opportunities for my business to grow in the ways I want it to. The book I am a part of will be published in October, and we will all be collaborating monthly beginning in February....and there are many opportunities between now and then to promote my business, and mission on a greater platform....and I am ready....I am also hopeful to finish my own book in this New Year....planning on spending this time this week with sick kids doing some writing:) So it will all come it should.....and I know that fully. One inspired day at a time:)

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