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An epidemic...........

Infidelity is.......I have heard of so much of it the last week getting hooked up with women in crisis.......women suffering.....with little babies........and it makes me angry and is truly one of the most horrible things a human can do to another human......I really believe is such a deep wound.......carrying with it destruction in its wake......and then these women are left to pick up the pieces......still be a mom......still do the things.....after they have been laid out.......and it just seems almost incredible to think of......what another human thinks they deserve? They deserve the excitement and forbidden thrill of an affair......while their wife....the woman they pledged to do life with cares for their children.......seems fair right? Makes sense? It is just really unbelievable........I am trying to brainstorm a way to reach these women that have crossed my path this week.....maybe beginning a Zoom support group of sorts.......a place we can all meet and share, and support one another......we are all at different places in our journey and I feel there would be value in that is on my short list of a way to help........I suppose in the age of the Internet having an affair is likely easier than makes me wonder though......I never thought my husband would be capable of an affair......not ever.......and then he is it in a person always? OR is it the opportunity that is presented.....does it create a shift in somebody's moral compass? I wonder about that..........I am certain I never would have never had an affair in my marriage......not vows and commitment stopping me from giving into me.......and moving forward in life I never would be unfaithful to a committed partner or relationship........and I know never say never is slippery slope......but I believe it......but do people change......these men that have done this stuff to their wives......what happened to their duty to their families? I wonder if the pandemic has impacted this statistic.......and made infidelity more prevalent.......It hurts my heart so much for these women and makes me feel compelled to try and help where I can......and maybe the support group is a first step in doing so......a lifeline.......a place to say you are not alone......other women stand by you......we are all walking in the same path.......trying to move forward in our lives and find our way........I always admire the strength in women and mothers to do what is needed in the face of that kind of pain.......and their willingness to persist while their heart is broken.....and as women we are most definitely stronger experience led me to this feel like this is my calling to connect with women in this life that have had their lives touched by this horror.......and I have heard the call clearly and am committed to walking in it.......and doing whatever I can to lighten their load......

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