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An Arsenal........

My heart was definitely heavier over this week and if you read my blog often I am sure you could sense that and feel the shift some......yesterday I set about the business of relief.....I took the kids for a hike before they went to their dad's house. Finding the solace and peace that is only found in nature among the trees.......smelling the fresh clean air.......chatting with my kids and exploring.....Mads found another treasure......she was talking about how good she is at spotting stuff in the woods, and she is such a glorious way to slow down and just not have to be in a hurry or be distracted by was the perfect way to spend the afternoon......and I was feeling so grateful my Christmas stuff was already up.....I might be on to something now......I normally spend this weekend doing it but due to my kid's visitation stuff getting shifted, it changed and to be honest I am not sorry......will definitely keep it in mind to do it sooner moving I have this weekend stretching ahead of me without all of that......then after the kid's were picked up I went downtown to check out an ab exercise class and dance class.....and it was just what I was no joke! ;-)Serious ab work and cardio.......a really great workout.......the vibe was awesome......and I really enjoyed myself.....I know a bunch of the girls now from random circumstance, so it feels nice to be a part of it.....and I think I may check them out more often.....they are on Wednesday nights, Fridays, and Sundays........a nice way to mix it I went home tired and sore......I cozied in to my bed and watched some TV and went to bed early getting good rest......I had a cold all week and am nursing the tail end.......I am also so excited about tonight! I have some really fun plans with some new friends I have made and will be writing about it tomorrow.....It will be an adventure indeed;-) So my point to all of this is that I am keenly aware of what brings my soul relief when it feels burdened by life, and the fact that I know that so clearly now, and can access those coping skills fairly easily makes me feel so so matter what comes my way in this life......I have really quality tools and coping strategies to make it all better......Yes it requires effort and truth is I had to force myself to hike yesterday, despite my love for it.....I was feeling tired and not motivated.....but I knew if I took a step forward, and met myself there the payoff would be worth it.....and I was my plan is to enjoy this weekend embrace the fun plans I have, and continue to give to myself the stuff my soul needs.....each and every day:) Have a good Saturday y'all:)

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