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An answer to my call.....

I wrote yesterday about my financial concerns....and wanting to accomplish some things beyond what I can at the moment.....and I had looked into a job at Woodloch as a cocktail waitress, and they needed a resume and it seemed like too much........I haven't needed a resume in 20 years lol......and if you have been reading for awhile you know I had considered working at the brewery, and then the timing was off and it never materialized, and I trusted it.....well it may have circled back around now, and it happened very effortlessly and sort of easily yesterday morning after I wrote my blog.....and I guess it was another reminder to make your needs known.....aloud.......manifesting them some each and every day;-) I try to do that......set intentions and create action to meet that intention.....knowing that what is meant to be will materialize.....and timing is crucial.....but that I also need to do my part and make the moves that intuitively nudge at me.....and when I follow those I did yesterday morning....the right things step we will see how it materializes from here......and I am trusting that.......knowing that if it is supposed to work out it will......and I am exploring some other things too....trying to see if I can do some writing remotely or proofreading.....there are some opportunities I have found....because if I have to pick up a couple shifts outside of my home I need to factor childcare into the equation.....and I would like to try and work when my kids are with their dad, so I don't miss out on time with I will keep working on it....but that divine timing and universal juju never gets old for me.....feeling as if a puzzle piece comes a clicking;-) it is a good feeling.....and it is a confirmation too not to worry....about all works out as it should.....when it should.....and how it is meant to......I believe that......and it has been proven to me so much the last few years......and really even during the end of my in retrospect....knowing what I do now.....all of those moving pieces were lining up as they should have too.....even though at the time it felt so was all falling into line......all of it a giant orchestra of instrumental collaboration......entering in when, where, and how it I will lean my part......keep scouting out possibilities....waiting for the right thing to fall into place....and in the meantime trust, every bit of it, each and every day:) Happy Thursday:)

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