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An Adventure:)

I have been missing my kids the last two weekends.......resigning myself to the logistics that sometimes have to be, so that other things can be also......and now I will have them the next two weekends:) And today I have a real live adventure planned for us;-) My mom is going away tomorrow, so we won't be able to celebrate Mother's Day on Mother's Day, so I planned something for today! We are headed to Nay Aug Park in Scranton. I have seen it on FB a bunch, and it has been on my bucket list........I follow the PA Bucket list site for hiking places all over PA, it is pretty I am packing a picnic lunch for us all, and using my real live picnic basket, which is exciting, and we are going to go there and see what we see! There is a huge playground, which Mads will love, that is her thing;-) and a few awesome looking hiking trails, one with a treehouse on it that overlooks the gorge...... Gabe is super excited too, and I am looking forward to spending the day with my parents and my mom, and my kids:) That is the thing about adventures they don't have to be extreme to fit the bill.......they just have to have a few unique components and there it is......and excitement.......definitely need that too;-) but my kids believe me when I tell them we are going on an adventure, they feel that from me........ and my prayer is that they think of these things when they are grown, and remember all of our adventures with fondness......and that they always know that their mom liked to adventure with them, and planned fun ones for them...... I got a bunch of fun food to make for our picnic.....and am looking forward to what we see......Mads needed some new clothes too last night, she is growing so I got her some spring and summer clothes and she was super excited and looks adorable.......Gabe on the other hand has more clothes than both she and I combined lol:) He gets everybody he knows to buy him clothes somehow! He is something ;-) I am crafting another adventure for tomorrow potentially......and deciding if I want to, or just relax here and maybe get takeout brunch from the Waterwheel for Mother's Day and just have a quiet day with my kids, we shall see;-) This weather though has been just exquisite, minus the allergies have kicked up something fierce the last week or so.........but it is worth it to see all that is out there now.......and really the only thing I need is to see my mom.....and be with my kids and this weekend is perfect...... I am really excited about today and exploring a new spot........we are so blessed to live in such a beautiful place to have access to all these amazing places so easily! I would always need to live where there are mountains I think......when I pass through flatter states, it doesn't hit the same way..... my goal in this half of my life is to see all of what PA has to offer, and also the rest of the country.....I have much on my bucket list! So for today Scranton it is! Adventure being what you make it.......and all of it just around the corner:) Enjoy your Saturday:)

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