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Am I seeking you???

Coaching is something that people often don't understand or know about it....and I didn't either until I was led to it and became certified:) Coaching is a beautiful vehicle to get you where you want to works because it is a co creative process between two holding space for another.....deeply listening......asking intuitive questions and the other speaking their truth and discovering where their wisdom wants to take them....coaching filters out all of the noise.....all of the chatter in our day to day.....eliminating it all.....and leaving room for a solution, or multiple solutions to step forward......and once a goal is crafted, an accountability piece steps forward......and in that space comes tell me what it is YOU want to do to move forward.....and then get back to me about it, when you say what you plan on doing and it moves you straight into what it is that you seek:) Coaching can be about can be a small goal or desire......or a big one that needs bite size pieces to move forward......and as you move forward it becomes a snowball.....attracting what you want as you go:) Currently I am seeking some more individual clients to work with.....and I am truly wanting to work on anything they are wanting to work on, or anything YOU want to work on..... but am specifically also looking for some women that want to instill a regular exercise habit into their was something that had eluded me most of my life.....I would have it pop in and out, and try and be successful for awhile and then not.....but I have finally cracked the code lol:) And I have been able to sustain it for years! So my wish is to help anybody that wants to, to do the same....using bite sized pieces and goals to get there......I think the first time I remember being successful with exercise was before I got married......I was getting into shape for my wedding, and I walked with a friend after work, and then would stop at Curves on my way home from work......that was before kids ;-) simpler times lol.....but I loved it then too.....Curves was so fun, I met so many fun women there.....we would shoot the breeze and do the circuit in a half an hour and be on our way......I wonder what happened to them? It was really a sound way to get into shape now that I think of it?? But anyway I digress;-) I am seeking YOU if you want to get some regular exercise into your life....and look and feel better......getting stronger and healthier.....exercise has brought me a feeling of wellness and health I have never known.....and I want that for you too:) Reach out and let's talk, your goal is closer than you think! Happy Friday! :)

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