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Always choose bliss......

I love the word is defined as perfect happiness and great joy! And sometimes in our day to day it is hard to find.....buried beneath obligation....and responsibility....but it can be found amid all of that, and be chosen each day.....I believe that.....And today I chose it.....Mads has a field trip and I was going to wrangle somebody to take her because I am trying to save my time off at work....and am always careful about my days because I need them when the kids get sick.....but I decided to choose bliss instead.....And Mads needed her mama there.......SO Mads and I get to go for a hike today amid the fall colors, and yes please right??? My favorite:)......and truth is I could use the woods today, the medicinal stuff found among the trees and breathing the air there......We are headed to High Point.....and it looks as if the rain will hold.....and then my boy has a football game tonight, we will be going to.... More bliss in watching him do his thing....and last night he gave a speech to the school board and it was so amazing to watch. He did not speak till he was well over 4......not one word.....not a dada, mama, nothing....he was very communicative with his facial expressions and non verbal ways of communicating....but no words, or sounds, or even babbling.....and I wasn't sure he would speak......and when I think of that time and how well we communicated, and I knew exactly what he wanted and needed with no words, it is amazing to think humans adjust to what circumstance arrives and we figure out a way.....but last night he stood there....and he had been nervous.....he left his speech on the late bus......He must have had it out of his I texted his teacher, who texted it to me and we were on our way.....and all of his high school stuff has been created by his own design.....I am so proud of all he has created for himself.....He has a really full life in high school, one that he loves, just like his typical friends, and it is so touching to see how far he has come.....overcoming so much.....and doing so last night was bliss too......watching him come into his own......and he is always comfortable doing his watching him be a little nervous was out of character last night, but he pushed past those nerves and did a great job.....more bliss.....found in likely and unlikely places.....and when it is found it becomes the life raft through the other moments.....bolstering us.....and helping us.... get out there and look for some today;-) Enjoy! Happy Friday y'all:)

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