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All the pieces that get pieced.......

I am not sure what I did before I understood the synchronicities, and moving pieces of life, and trusting so completely the falling into place of all of it.....knowing that all of it is pieced together so intentionally and beautifully.....and even in the minute moments, there it is......a divine symphony right there for us.....and it is for us all.....I never say any of this to say I am special or different than anybody else.....I am not.......the only difference sometimes is my awareness and really seeing it all.....I will give you an example so that you do not view it all as senseless ranting lol;-) I promise I am not lol:) I had gone to the dentist after Easter, that Monday, and they were trying to fix a part of one of my teeth that had an issue....and they for sure messed it up. It did not feel right to me after.....and a few days later I got sick for the first time all year....I was given an antibiotic.....and I only finished part of it, and got better from that part....however last weekend that tooth really started hurting....and I knew something was wrong but I also knew I had state testing all week, and could not get to the I took a few of those antibiotic pills this week which helped....until I could finally get in yesterday.....and sure enough I had an abscess, and despite not seeing anything on my previous x ray, I needed a root canal! I know, it was shocking to me since I have only had two cavities my whole life lol.......but all of those moving pieces..... helped me make it till yesterday and get it solved.....and the pills I took kept the infection at bay till I could get in, I don't normally not finish my antibiotic......and it may seem silly.....but it is one small instance I can share that shows me so clearly that our instincts and inclinations matter so deeply alongside all of it.....and we should follow that......another instance is that I decided to speak up about a potential coaching opportunity I saw alongside what another community member is doing, because it nudged at me to open my mouth....and I have a meeting with her soon to discuss the possibilities because she felt the same:).....but I could have just as easily talked myself out of opening my mouth......and maybe that is the difference, right there as I type this.....maybe that is what I did before....overthink and second guess my intuition, and talk myself out of things.......delaying stuff in my life??? Or shifting my path based on my free will...and there has been something so magnificent about stepping into my power, and my authentic self that is so hard to articulate.....and the more deeply I commit to it, the better it gets....and I let nobody rattle me about it.....I am so committed, confident, and focused on what is FOR ME....and what feels that way, that I won't let anybody or anything stop me.....and that is so liberating!:) In all the best ways:) So today there are some house chores on the docket....yard stuff....and I am starting to wrap my head around staining my deck I can set it up, and enjoy my favorite place:) So I am grateful to be feeling better this morning.....never having a toothache in my whole life, except for wisdom tooth stuff, and not loving it at all....and ready to tackle this weekend head on. I think I may need to mow, and so it begins lol:) If I work hard enough today, and put in a full day, the woods will be in order tomorrow;-) Enjoy the gorgeous weather y'all! :)Happy Saturday! :)

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