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When you step into the zone of yourself.....into your authenticity.....into the space where you can hear yourself.....unapologetically......... stuff is like you clear out all that stagnant energy surrounding you......all the naysayers.....all the negativity.....all the opinions of others that just don't matter......and as I have done that more and more my life becomes something with sharper focus......have been consistently meditating for a couple of months now and the results are kind of amazing the things that have come up.....and where it has lead......the other night I believe it lead to my next career path......helped open me up to a new way........a possibility up ahead......a goal for the taking........MY next goal..........the education system as it stands is not a place I can retire from any longer.....I just can't....teaching has my heart and forever will, but there are so many other things that no longer resemble the teaching I once fell so hard for, so I believe my time in teaching is winding down.....not sure of the timeline....but I feel it clearly......and in its place something else has stepped forward for me to consider and it is something that is already resonating with me deeply in the same ways being a teacher once is feeling "meant for me"......touching me in those deep spaces where you "just know"......and I think my next calling is to become a life coach......likely for people in my situation or women in general....and helping them find their power.....EMPOWERING them to do so......I came across an ad and watched a video that spoke to me in such a deep way....and the woman was standing in front of a sign that said "we can do hard things"......and I felt very much it was a sign:) And in life coaching I can do those things that light me up when I am teaching..... coaching people......connecting with people......seeing that light bulb moment.....investing in others.....their strengths.......their successes........all of it.........and that ever coveted light bulb moment that makes my world go around:) much of my background and skill set is perfectly suited for it, it is so much like teaching........ and turns out it is one of the fastest growing industries, who knew! ;-)And I can make a good living doing it once I get it up and going......I can also start alongside my current job until I can make the LEAP.......I knew something was up ahead.....waiting for me to come to the awareness on my own.......something was calling to me in terms of changing gears professionally.... and this feels like "IT" first goal is to find a program to enroll in that will help me get my certification.......which is proving challenging to me, there are a lot.....and very varied offerings and price points.....but I have faith I will be led to the one meant for me......and then I will dive in.....and learn ALL THE THINGS.......all the things I need to launch a new adventure.......the part of owning this new calling that is challenging for me is the part that feels that it can be perceived that "I know more" or somehow I have my life together etc....which I do not believe.......I believe that what I have to offer is the fact that somehow in my trauma, in my pain and suffering, I found a formula that that helped me crawl out of the darkness and into the light.......and that is paying off in ways I could never have imagined.....and one that helped me find ME..........and my path won't be for everyone, but I am wildly excited about helping people find one that is RIGHT FOR THEM!!!!!!!!......I definitely don't have all the answers....but what I do have is a passion for living now, a commitment to self love, growth, authenticity, and a desire to help others find the same! Next chapter here I come:):):)

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