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Ahh......sweet contrast........

So after I wrote my blog yesterday......acknowledging the heaviness that had come to find me in the midst of the battles I am fighting, I decided to find me some Abraham Hicks on Youtube to watch......she always makes me feel good and brings clarity when I need it.....yesterday was no exception........... I normally pull up Youtube and the one I need is found right up top! Yesterday that was also the case......I hit play......and this was the message that found me, exactly when I needed see one of the things that has happened to my life, which is pretty wonderful, but can make the heavy times hard, is that I feel good most of the time......I truly my new life......I feel happy and even keeled and just fulfilled and all around I have worked to be authentic, speak my truth, and vibrate at my frequency, while being mindful of negative things and people getting in, my experience in the world has truly in this video spoke to that.......that desire to live in that "awake" glorious spot all the time......and validating the experience I am having by interviewing other people that feel like I do.......and it spoke to what happens when life comes by and knocks you out of alignment............and being conscious of the contrast is what makes life magical.......we cannot appreciate the sun until we have stood in the rain......true right....which is obvious and we all know that......but the way in which it was delivered yesterday morning offered a valuable reminder to me........and she offered ways to think our way past our stuck points if we are stuck in a topic or place......pull back and think in more general terms about something......until we ease back into the place that feels like us again......and the entire video was maybe 14 minutes but it was the words I needed to hear.....delivered in the way I needed to hear it......and it was not by accident.....I needed that boost....that understanding and to regroup and get my feet under me again.....putting things back in perspective......astrologically speaking as well this full moon cycle speaks to some of the emotional challenges I have faced as well as many if you are feeling heaviness and more emotional turmoil, blame it on the moon;-) part of it too for me is I had gone quiet.....not talking to anybody about it all, which allows its churning power to become much larger......when it is locked in our hearts and minds, without room to breathe......and yesterday I spoke to a friend and my therapist and it released the power some for sure.....that is why my blog works so well for releases what swirls within and removes its power some...........I was also reminded to give myself grace......I am human and while I expect certain things from myself and from this journey......I need to give myself the grace I give others to have a bad day or two, or whatever I need......even now when I feel I have a better handle on it all...... and just let it happen and not be so hard on myself about it......which I definitely need to work on......I always allow my feelings to process work with them......but it frustrates me some if I cannot find a way to move through them the way I want to and when I want to......more work to do indeed:) So the contrast of the last few days shows me that rain can fall and we can sit with it......let it drip down our brows.....and wipe it from our eyes.....and then the sun comes to dry it all and move us where we need to feeling more sunny this morning......ready to tackle whatever the day holds......Gabe is still holding his own.....getting a little bit better each day......I will continue to nurse him, and keep Mads and I as healthy as we can while we wait.....and focus on some house stuff that will busy my mind, helping with feeling like progress! Also in the mood to do some writing for my book today too: So enjoy the day everybody......whether it is raining in your world or the sun is shining, both come to teach us indeed and show us what we need to SEE if we just let it!

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