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Aging is a funny has been on my mind lately some....I feel like it is an interesting process...when you are young, you believe you will be young forever, and then here comes middle age;-) gosh it got here quick! lol.....but I feel like you are truly only as old as your brain feels, which luckily isn't too old for me;-) but our bodies are a different story, right ladies! I feel healthy and strong in my body these days, but my skin can definitely betray me this weird neck sag beginning to accelerate, and losing some elasticity in some other spots despite my best efforts....insert eyeroll lol and I kind of marvel at those things some......thinking how funny it is to feel one way and see another sometimes staring at ya in the mirror.....sorta like a brain trick.....and I have heard women, older than me lament and marvel at the same thinking at the time that I would be young forever;-) and that just isn't so......and I don't plan on fighting it, and giving it too much air time, but I am not going quietly either lol;-) I plan to do what I can to have how I feel on the inside match my outside as much as I am able.....a healthier lifestyle seems kinda unfair that it all happens this way though....when your wisdom has shown up....and your brain is full of all the goodness that a weather worn life provides us, and all this life experience, and then age shows up to remind you, ......and I guess maybe it has been on my mind as 50 is approaching in a couple of years.....50 is a number right? And to me when I think of it, it is laughable....because I no more feel that number, like at all.....but nonetheless it is coming, and mostly I am just so grateful......grateful I have gotten to experience my life at these milestones.....the gift of being a woman at all the places I have been so far.....and hope to be blessed till I am a healthy little old lady:) embracing aging and the journey......and knowing that age or aging doesn't have to limit really doesn't.....I am healthier and happier right now than I was when I was question.....and we do have power in the aging process and how it happens for us....but it definitely requires intentional moves and effort to feel our best as the clock is a ticking......and above all else health is the real wealth :)and maybe some awareness came to me, for the first time in this story, to to think some about sharing the rest of my life with somebody, or some of it.....that the years are passing by.....and these are some of my best my opinion, however a part of me is hoping I am wrong about that, and there are even better ones awaiting me;-) but you get the idea....and all those themes are swirling as of late.....I have mentioned my comfort in being single often....and I am....truly......but I also have been sensing a shift in me some toward yearning for something more.....desiring it some.......wondering about it....and how aging plays into all of it....and maybe those thoughts find us all as we age....suddenly aware of how precious time is....and wanting to do all the things we want to do.....and live our life out loud :) in the meantime I will marvel at my aging self, loving her, being good to her, taking care of her, and appreciating her for all the fire she has walked through to get here! She is blessed, healthy, and strong, and wearing her "aging tells" like badges of honor lol:) Have a great day:)

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