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Actions speak louder than words........

Perhaps this is one of those big lessons I have learned too.....maybe the biggest.....but yet I am still subject to forgetting it.......words to me are seductive.....I have always believed that people say what they mean......taken their words for face value......thinking because I speak truth so do others.....that is not true......people are capable of saying one thing then doing another.....and I have been reminded of that again recently.....and I get upset when I realize that I have been duped again by people......but it is just who I am......I am much more conscious now of watching the things people choose to do, and acting accordingly......what people say, maybe is perhaps who they want to be......or how they wish to be.....or feel inside....but their actions sometimes slip out.....and they are not in line with that rhetoric......or with those in being reminded, it will come to the forefront again when I am interacting with my people......or any new people that come into my their words line up with what they do?.....the other issue here is that one of my superpowers is to see the best in matter what......overlooking a lot.....and well is who I am.......but sometimes it ends up hurting me in the end.....because I see them in this beautiful light......believing all they say and do and then something happens that reminds me to the contrary......however in addition to its downside there is a beautiful upside......I see the beauty in people is the first place my heart and mind looks.......and that isn't a bad thing......sometimes it is kinda beautiful.....if people could see themselves as I do sometimes, they would love themselves more....I always felt that way in my marriage.....wanting him to see I did.......and never really feeling like he knew how much I did at one point.......but my love, though powerful.....cannot change things just isn't enough......all that stuff that happens what holds the power......but watching what people DO versus what they SAY is a wise thing to I sometimes forget, but is my new rule of way of knowing what is truly in somebody's heart......even if I forget sometimes.......I try really hard to keep my words and actions in line.......I am sure I fall short too and have in my is hard not to......but I have never fallen short in the places where it counts......loyalty, honesty, intentions........I try and be super clear about those things.....and have people be able to rely on as I said I have recently been reminded of these things....more than once......and it is good to know what is a pitfall for you....what things need to be worked on harder, or balanced better within your nature......the stuff you came in with.......and so I will do that.....just remember is all.....take the lessons as they come.....and apply them as I travel, all we can do right?:)

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