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Accountability works!

However only for folks that seek to be accountable;-) Fit February women's series is winding down.....and the FB group I added for us to meet up in, has been a crucial piece to the weekly accountability of one another......posting in there when they do the things.....and keeping each other motivated and on track.....and it has been beautiful to watch.....taking those small steps, and using them to move them to the bigger woman started with a couple of 10 minute videos, and is already doing 30 minute ones on her own.....feeling inspired to do so, and push herself.....and I am so proud of her! And that is how it goes.....that is what I have found for me.....I spend a lot of time these days pushing the limits of my workout as I grow in willingness, and the strength to do so.....and I think weight lifting has been so captivating for me because there is something about feeling strong in your body, that translates to greater strength in your therapist has said that many times.....that there is a strong mind and body connection......strong mind, strong body......and having the accountability piece in place is holding the women accountable to each other.....I was talking to a friend yesterday....her son is battling addiction....and he does well when he finds AA....but he fights to stay consistent with that, and ends up falling off the wagon.....repeatedly.....and goes in and out of wanting to be accountable......but there is a reason why so many of those types of things work.....but they only work for the people that want accountability.....and there are plenty of people that don't.......they want to do what they want.....and not have anybody holding them accountable for anything.....and I like accountability......I like answering to some degree for my actions and myself.....this blog is a form of accountability in my life....motivating me to take a look at my life, and sharing it as honestly as I keeps me accountable to my own healing and my own evolution, my feet hit the floor.....I go make coffee, and this is the first place I visit in my day....and I suppose I have accountability established with myself.....I am accountable to me, no question, and the promises I make to myself....every day....there is never even a consideration to hit snooze, and not do my blog or any of just is....and I am keeping promises to myself....I made some more promises to myself this week, and I am using the FB group to hold myself accountable....I needed to up my water again, start running again, and get off my sweet tooth lol:) So I am working on adding that to my routine, alongside intermittent fasting again....I got away from that as my workout increased.....but I love doing I need to find my way back.....accountability is a big piece....I think any relationship worth having is one where you hold each other accountable....and if you cannot do that....and the other person becomes defensive or angry.....that is a flag.....there is a reason that people fight accountability....and it usually isn't a good one I have I am loving watching these women WIN.....and cannot wait to see them evolve and grow over time, and keep pushing themselves and seeking accountability! That is the way indeed:)

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