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Acceptance and peace......

In acceptance there is peace to be question.....sometimes things can be done about stuff and sometimes stuff just is......Some amazing things have happened in my new life....many amazing things....but also some tough things.....I have lost a few people as a result of my journey.....luckily not too many.....but definitely a few.....and I have not the slightest idea as to what my new journey did to make them flip so fully on me.....having seeming anger and disdain for the me now in this story??.....but it happened a few times...and I was reminded of one yesterday.....and it hurts....I mean that as plain and as simple as I can say it, it does hurt me.....because I don't understand it.....and have tried to ask for some clarity, or seek understanding to no it needs to just be in the acceptance pile with the rest...and I have.....I have accepted it....and left it behind.....leaving it alone......and I am so lucky these days that my worth is not ruled by the opinions of others any longer....I know clearly who I am....and who I am not.....and what my heart is about, and my soul....and my intent in this life.......and if somebody gets me that is great.....and if they don't, then I can't make them understand me....I really can't.....and I know now that trying to make somebody understand me, or feel like I have to, is a clue that they are not a person I should want to do life with anymore......OUR people get us....they just do....we find them along the way and they feel like home....and sometimes our people are ours for a shorter run then we wanted them to be....and for whatever reasons they no longer are OUR people anymore.....and it is really is.....and facing these situations has given me an opportunity to learn about myself, and learn how to stand in my own truth, and my own authenticity, and not second guess myself.....just stand here, and not let the loss of them affect that in a real sense.....and it isn't easy.....not at all.....but as we grow and learn we vibrate and attract the people we are supposed to.....each and every day, and in each and every season of our magnets.....finding our magnetic people.....and I suppose repelling those not meant for us too.....repelling those people not meant to walk with us any longer.........and really as I type this, it is clear that we should not worry about who doesn't stay.....and just put our efforts into loving the ones that do:) I am grateful for every single one of them:) My people are kinda a amazing! Make it a great day everybody! :)I plan on it! Today is my last work day before break!!!!!!!!:)

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