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A whole new world......

It occurred to me at Bushkill Falls yesterday, that my experience there was different than the other times.....I did have an awareness pretty early on in my hike yesterday that I am a fool to not go there more a is so gorgeous truly.....worth its tourist trap street was thinking and wishing sorta that my life was such that maybe after work, I could pop in for a quick hike before going home on occasion......but my kiddos and the responsibility within, beckons me most days directly after work:) But it was a fun daydream;-) However.......yesterday I really got to experience it all, seeing the sights.....smelling the smells.....hearing the sounds.......being in the moment of it all.....and I marvel at that piece that is a part of my life life has been transformed to sorta be living now in hi everything is a little brighter, sharper, clearer, more profound, more beautiful, or maybe I am just more aware??......turning off the cruise control for the first time in a long time, and actually feeling the wheel beneath my hands....and the road beneath the wheels.....and you know what it makes a big difference......I think the more time you spend in nature too, contributes to the slowing down and helps the awareness to come in......but there is no question that I experience the world differently nearly every way......and sometimes I wonder if people really believe me......or can possibly understand what it is I am saying unless they have themselves??.....and maybe the answer is they don't and they can't......and that is part of my experience too....understanding that my perception, and the things that have changed in myself, and my life, are for me.....not for others.....and of course I seek to have those that I love, and those that matter to me understand.....but it is not mandatory......and in some cases there are times it doesn't feel possible.......I think this experience has also helped me be more trusting and accepting of other's experiences.....I no longer question so much, or color what I think about another's path with my stuff....I know that their perception....their experience....their feelings are coloring their world and must make sense to them.....and are valid........otherwise they would not be proceeding that way?? SO I just live and let be......we need to trust people more... and their experience, or their perception of it.......instead of putting our spin on it......not everybody thinks like we do, and that is a good thing:).....the world would be pretty boring if we all thought the as I become more and more awake......feeling sometimes as if I am experiencing the world through new eyes:) in brand new ways, like a child:) and being so very grateful for that, I know that every single day is a gift, and that we live in an extraordinarily beautiful area, where we get to experience nature in such a way that I am blessed indeed! We all are:)

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