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A well placed, unexpected, magnificent blessing......

So I think I have been processing this blessing for a bit October somebody reached out to me to say my family had been chosen for a Secret Santa blessing......a family that they wanted to bless......bless by completing my children's wish lists.......when I read the message I was speechless and it immediately brought tears to my eyes......I messaged back with gratitude in my heart, and double checking to see if there may be somebody that needed it more than me......based on income or whatever their criteria was......and the response was that the nominations are not based on income, and it is based on wanting to bless a particular family.....and my family was it:) And the truth is the magnitude of this blessing is more than words can express.......and much needed right now.....trying to get ahead and save money as a single person, even one that makes a decent income, is not so easy.....seems expenses are always popping up.....and heating my house alone is a knowing that Christmas for my kids is solved, is a blessing that is kinda hard to secret Santa texted me the other night with a photo of all of it, and it is beyond generous.....and so magical, to think it will all show up here and the weight of making all that happen will be lifted......such a magical gift to give to another human....once upon a time I had participated over the years in giving to others, and being the secret Santa in the story, and the truth is it is humbling to sit on this side.......and after the initial discomfort and feeling that perhaps somebody deserved it more.......I settled into just acceptance, and embracing such a magnificent gift........understanding that blessings find us right when we need them most.......and that the things we put into the world have a way of finding their way back.....and I know with certainty, that someday I will be on the other side of this story again......paying it forward to another family....easing their mind and their burden in the most generous and magical of in the midst of my kids having the flu, and missing this week of work, and already dipping into days at work that cause me to lose money in my paycheck......this blessing is even more profound.......more important.......more.......just so much more of more......and this tired mama is so very grateful from the depths of her soul........truly........:)

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