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A TRANSFORMative week!

This week has been transformative in lots of ways for me.....a journey of its own.....and there was some heavy energy out there, and I chose to take that energy, and do my best to not get tangled up in it, and use it as a driving force to accomplish what I needed to...... and I did......I cleaned my garage, mowed my lawn, cleaned out a bunch of stuff, got my decks stained, and set up the outdoor space......all the while dealing with a personal, challenging, and surprising situation with a friend......and the end of this week found me with new lessons in tow......and new skills in my pocket......but also with new awareness about a person I thought I knew......and it never gets less shocking or surprising......but here is the powerful truth for me......I will never allow a person to goad me out of character......I will always show up as me......and move in the places that live in me.....moving from a place of love and openness and loyalty......and when it becomes apparent that I am not being met with the same energy, I know it is time to move along.....and just trust that the other person must have some internal stuff that is causing them to move in ways I don't recognize......and gosh it is tough.....right?? To have somebody switch lanes on us so suddenly or turn their backs on us when we would never have done that to them......but that is life.....and that is the way it is as I channeled my big feelings, and energy into stuff that yielded big payoffs, it felt good to stay true to myself.....even under duress........and know, as I have learned over and over in this story.....that the only person I need to not give up on me is me.....I know so fiercely that I have my is not even a question....and I know the people in my life that stand right there with me too.....and I am blessed with some of the best and fiercest friends.....just tried and true.......and unfortunately when I am shown that a person's loyalties lie elsewhere, for whatever reason, I know it is my cue........ my life is such now that I can only have people I trust, but more importantly people that I can trust in terms of their intentions for me......only folks with the purest intentions.....and not perfect....we all make mistakes and none of us are.....but people that are flawed, and loving, and loyal, and all of the good stuff that resides between another chapter in my life is ending it seems, and I am stepping away with no ill will, or bad feelings.....gratitude for all it was, while it was.......a divine gift at one point and sometimes it just is.....I may not be able to fully understand it.....but I am going to understand that it must be......the divine timing of the folks that come and go is every way......and I trust that....and when I am shown something that I can't unsee.....well last night I cozied in, and was good to myself, and gave my body a much needed rest after I dropped my kids off at their dads......I have some plans today to do a few things, but mostly restore and rest some around my place, I expended a lot of energy this week! I haven't worked out the last two days due to all the activity, but plan on getting a good one in this morning! Counting my blessings, maintaining my peace, and knowing my truth deeply:) When you are so sure about who you are, and your intentions for those you care about, you need not be subject to outside influences.....or false stories people tell about you and that my friends is a beautiful gift:) And the people that know well they know:) Enjoy this beautiful weekend!!!! :)

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