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A transformative talk!

Church was lovely yesterday, and Pastor's sermon hit deeply, and I enjoyed his message and felt I would share since I felt it was so good.....He was relaying information from Richard Rohr who has some cool things to share with the world for sure....and he was talking about how our spiritual journey or faith journeys evolve......and the stages and requirements of us in those stages.....and the first one is in "cleaning up," taking inventory of our lives, and cleaning up the ways in which we live......our boundaries.....our we behave in the world.....ridding our lives intentionally of the things that no longer serve our journey and path......the next one is "growing up," evolving in our growth and maturity and how we view the world and process it.....and have a more mature view of it all......the third is "waking up" overcoming our experienc,e and sense of self, and seeing beyond it all in the greater picture....and transcending our circumstance.....and the fourth is my favorite...."showing up".....showing up for ourselves, and others around us in the new space we have found......and it all spoke to me, as Pastor Niel's sermons often do......he delivers such powerful messages, with such a gentle ease, that feels so kind and open.....he is one of the most special people I have met along the way....his heart for people, and truly walking the walk is impressive......He believes deeply in us loving other people, and accepting them......and not judging their circumstance, and offering help where we can....and he does that every day......the amount of things he does at his age is truly astounding......he has such an energy and willingness of service......and so as he outlined these phases....they ring true some for me....I know that my path has been a spiritual awakening of sorts....and I get that may sound hokey to some when I say it....and that is OK....the only person it needs to make sense to is me....and I stand by it.....what happened to me three years.....woke me up....fully...and broke me wide open, and broke me down to a place where I could see the things I have.....and do the things I have.....and devote my life more fully to the service of others in the aftermath of it all.....finding ways to use my pain and my experience to do so.....and it has been humbling and enlightening in so many ways.....and as the pieces continue to evolve and come together for me.....I do my best to remain open to it all, and listen to where it will all lead me.....because my goal each day is number 4, to show up for myself, and others in a way that is helpful and real.....and continue to do so:) I am excited as my mission expands this year........the first volume of that book I am a part of is doing really well so far on Amazon:) So it is encouraging the 2nd volume will do the same this fall, and that it will expand my platform to reach more of the people I am seeking to reach:) This year is going to be one of expansion I feel in many ways and I am here for it:)

Pilates update- Day 13 was yesterday......I didn't have time to do it before church. I only had time to squeeze my other workout in. So I did it last night. It was a 36 minute routine!!! AND it was no joke lol:) But most of the exercises she does are 10 reps, and manageable for sure, despite them being challenging....and last night some of what she was asking of me I was sure was defying gravity lol:) But I hung in......for sure Pilates has already, strengthened my core more most of all, and I am excited to see how I feel at the end of it! Onto Day 14! Halfway!

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