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A toolbox.......

Was thinking this week that I have been using my coaching skills on myself quite a bit lately.....and how important that be able to coach ourselves when we need it.....we have a program in our school that we use with the kids for their behavior, and we talk about our "inner critic" or our "inner coach" and the differences......and having a toolbox of coping mechanisms when you need it.....and reframing what is going on, is really the single most important thing we can is easy to frame it in our minds in a harsh and intense way......attaching heavy words and sentiments to the circumstances, making them seem 10 ft tall.......but when we step back and take a minute to reframe it all......flip the script and soften the edges it helps it so much......and coaching is like that.......and being able to coach myself has been so helpful during this week, and all the challenges it has brought me......and I did have confirmation that this full moon cycle does indeed carry heaviness, so blaming it on the moon is totally fine too;-) but the gold is found when we don't run from what finds us.....when we sit with it, invite it in and hear its message......and use our tools to combat it all......I have some powerful and lifelong tools in my arsenal to combat whatever comes to find me in this life now.......writing, meditation, exercise, new Youtube inspirations......all of it.....and so this blog is to kind of put into your own mind what tools you currently have in your toolbox......? Are they healthy ones? Do they work? Do they bring you comfort when you think of them? Are they easily accessible to you in times of trouble? Do you need to add any? Is there something you would like to try and just haven't? Now might be the time to do that? I think it is powerful that we are trying to teach our kids at school these skills at a young age......arming them if we can with a way to cope with life's challenges......I plan on bringing my coaching skills to my classroom this fall.....and implement some basic principles to see how they can be applied to younger folks......goal setting......action of one another........building a coaching community within my classroom......I have a lot of new ideas about that and the possibilities seem like they could really yield great results.......creating a culture of accountability and progress within the four walls of my classroom.......I am also now actively seeking a few coaching clients to work with and work on some goals......I am working with a coach myself next week to work on some professional goals.....knowing how valuable the coaching process is from both sides.....being the coach and being coached! So maybe today you can think some on your toolbox??? What is in there for you to use when you need it? If there isn't much, or if maybe some of it isn't so helpful, maybe it is time to revisit it and add or remove accordingly! I know for me, finally finding stuff that works in dire circumstances to soothe my soul.......has been hugely comforting.....knowing these lifelong supports will exist for me for the rest of my life.....knowing that ultimately we only have ourselves to rely on, and knowing I can do just that:)

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