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A space of our own.........

My women's series is still flowing along:) It had a delayed start and some weather issues etc.....but we are halfway through last night.....we tackled some mindful meditative stuff and just connected with one another.....the same magic that happened in my first series is taking hold again......a place where some people that were strangers initially, looking forward to checking in with each other and having a genuine interest in what happens in each other's lives......and holding real space for one another.......with care and compassion......and it is special.......the women that came last night had some heavy stuff they were carrying and the activity I had planned was timely.....sharing one thing that gives them stress and one that they are looking forward to, and paying attention to lots of things and questions surrounding that.....and being mindful of what we were feeling and thinking in both of those spaces.....and checking in on our presence with one another while listening.......mindful listening......and it was effortless in the space we have created, because we truly care for each other's plights and get it......but thinking of implementing it elsewhere......remaining focused on doing it for others in our lives.....was what we discussed too.......I have gotten much better at it......through coaching......actively listening more closely and deeply.....staying present while somebody is talking to me, and it makes a huge difference.....and when you teach, it is hard to do that.....because you have so many little ones clamoring for your space and attention......and I try and remain mindful of that when a kiddo is talking to make sure I am looking at them and actively listening as much as possible.....sometimes it is hard lol:) ........all people want to remain seen and heard, especially children......and maybe as I type this I realize that is one of the biggest gifts we can give to everybody in our lives.......our presence......and it is not easy......especially when you have your own narrative playing in the is one of my personal goals....always..........presence and mindfulness......each moment.....resisting the pull of distraction.....we all are more fond of the folks in our lives that hear us.......the ones that don't seem distracted while we are speaking to them........the ones that show us they care by the presence they give to us........and I think it is why I like hiking so much......being in the woods is one of the places I feel the most stepping into a machine that slows it all down, and puts you in touch with your body and spirit, and quiets the noise......meditation too.....and exercise.......and the better I get at remaining present I know the easier it will be.......I feel like social media has been such a good thing for so many reasons......staying connected to some degree with people you never would be otherwise......and just massive amounts of interesting information.....and it allows me to grown my business and get my message out there........but it also comes at a price......the price of distracting us away from things we maybe should be more present as I adjust my goals and the things I seek to do in my day to day, being mindful is always at the top of the lists.....continuing to improve my ability to remain mindful in my life......and tackling it with the ladies last night was great......we had a great time, lots of laughs and presence in each other's stories and support.....and it doesn't really get much better than that! :)

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