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A soul on fire........

That is how I feel......but not in the way you might think......I feel SUPER ALIVE for the first time in a long my SOUL is fully aligned with my destiny and that I am walking a divine path.....a path meant for the exact spaces that I am meant to walk in......doing the exact things I am meant to feels super blessed and magical to be doing that at this moment in time.....amid all the pain and suffering I have experienced.......I know that may sound dramatic, farfetched, or hokey in some way but it is truly how my life feels these days....I am EXCITED about what lies ahead, EXCITED about meeting each new day and meeting new parts of myself........I am LOVING the pieces of my life that are coming together in a way that feels effortless and FREE.........and I am SO enjoying the way I am feeling in my heart and soul......the grief and the sadness will eventually leave, fade into the background of my life....... and what will be left is a girl that is designing a life that she is psyched about, passionate about....lit up about..........what an extraordinary gift to be given in my lifetime, and when I am young enough to do just feels like I get to start the second half of my life over.....but this time not blindly like I did when I was young.....the starting over comes with a little wisdom under my belt........a little boldness......more strength......and I fell much more prepared for what comes along the way........I am not sure where the light in my soul is coming from or the passion that is driving my actions and days, and I suppose it doesn't matter......the fact that it exists is ENOUGH......that I am in this zone in the universe, accepting what is coming........not fighting any of it.....just joining its energy and moving forward........the fact that this all began only three months ago is absolutely astounding to feels as if I almost cannot recall my old self.......cannot remember her ways.........recall who she was......what lit her up......what made her excited about living......I know she possessed all those places, but she was stifled in that much of the time......too concerned with sharing her energy with those spaces away freely......leaving nothing left for her......all for the greater good......our greater good.......and now by way of an atrocity, that same sweet soul was set FREE........FREE to let her soul all the ways it was always meant to burn......strong and vibrant.....real and authentic.......bold and brave........and as I feel my soul ignite I am in absolute awe of the process that is happening within me......around me.......beside me.......and staying mindful that I will NEVER let my soul go out again.......never let the fire begin to smolder till it nearly goes out........I will be mindful for the rest of my life of the things that light me up and keep my soul burning in all the ways it is supposed to be.......all the ways it was always meant to be......

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