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A season of loss........and abundance.......

It has been interesting to reflect on what has happened the last year has been a season of tremendous loss.....and continues to be in certain areas of my life.....yet what has come to fill those spots has been greater than what has gone....and I need to remember that.....I am battling a particularly challenging situation right now, and it is surrounding loss, and the loss of all of what I have lost just feels like too much sometimes......but then.......I am quickly reminded that the losses I have endured, have allowed room for other for things to step forward and fill that space.......things that have been even better than I could have asked for......and it is in the attachment of the things in our lives that we suffer......when we believe that something is permanent......when indeed it isn't.......and so if we can find a way to attach to our journeys in our lives, not in the outcomes, and not in the people we have in our lives, we can truly be free.......accepting what comes.....and goes.......and I am really working on that......truly.....because I believe it is one of the great secrets in this life......and it is the way to avoid so much pain.......if we just lie back and float.......and I am getting good at losing.....releasing my grip, to release what isn't for me......trusting that soon something that is for me will take its place.......and if I can stay present in that process, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to......I have lost a lot in this question........grief has come to find me often, and in powerful places in my heart.......and I am familiar with the way it feels......the cycle it runs, and the grit that is necessary to endure .......I still kinda can't believe how far I have come in the last nearly 15 months.....when I think how dark those first few months really I truly wasn't sure I would make it......yet somehow I did.....and not only made it but found joy and fulfillment and peace along the way......but see that is where the power the mind......and I guess I needed to remind myself of that today, as much as I did anybody reading this......our power lies in our mind.......what we give power to is what is capable of hurting us......and what we allow to get in, is what can threaten to diminish our as I lose some more things in my life......I need to remind myself of that........that everything gets replaced with something better.....something that is a better fit for our lives at some point or another.....and if we can embrace the loss and the shifts in our lives that is where the gold is found.......not fight, just float......and be excited for the next part of our journey......which I truly am:)

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