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A rainbow appears..........

Updated: May 10, 2023

It is hard to articulate how I am feeling this morning as my second women's series has wrapped up........ but you know me.......I am gonna try;-) Last night was my last session for my second women's series......we casted visions for our lives up ahead....some one year.....some three years, and some 5 years.......and it was so inspiring and amazing to hear all their plans, and all their passion for the places they were headed! Just as it should apathy present on my sadness......just real spirit and drive to move forward in their lives.......all at different stages of new lives......and it was just beautiful......and as I sat there and listened......I could almost see a rainbow forming in the sky above my house......another stopping point on this journey......where I hit a peak that causes me to stop and stare at the view, and take a moment and a deep breath to enjoy it......and then the sentiment and gratitude the women shared with me for creating the series and holding space for us was just humbling......they all found their way here as they should have but there was one woman that I feel truly was meant to be at my series......she was a stranger to me prior to this series.....being referred by somebody........she came so far in our span of our time together......and watching the light come back on inside of her........and her joy return....... and the shifts she made....... was so so rewarding......hard to explain really.....she has some exciting stuff going on now and some other things that making her smile, and I know she will be just fine:) And to hear her say she isn't sure what she would have done without my series, and will never forget it, and always be grateful......well that is something.......and you know what it, all of it has come to me by taking a leap and stepping into my truth......and not looking back, and not listening to the noise along the way........following my path with discipline and conviction no matter what........and seeing the way appear as I do that.......and the alchemizing of all the pain and suffering I endured, and being able to not only heal alongside these women, but be in the position to serve as a reminder to them that hope lives up matter I am, offering proof that it gets better......that pain subsides......that rainbows appear:) It feels magical to be living my truth so hard.....and even better that people feel that.....and get that from of my former women's series gals came to my birthday......the one I met through that series randomly......and she wrote in my birthday card that I know how to create magic for me and for others too.....and wow right?? What a top tier compliment......her feeling grateful I am here too.....roaming this earth......that was the sentiment in my birthday cards......women feeling happy that I am alive:) That feels kinda good too after all I have endured:) and I guess it just all feels like I am right where I am supposed to be on any given day.....and for any jab I have taken, or betrayal I have faced, or any challenging circumstance that has found me that I have needed to overcome, there are far more instances of light, love, and support in my life, and for what it is I am trying to do.......and just wow, I am so grateful for that! So what is next?? I am not sure.....I am contemplating a summer series, maybe a different time of day......maybe outdoors......maybe writing some new curriculum.......not quite sure......and also continuing to grab some new clients individually.......and I have one other little side thing up my sleeve potentially, that is in line with all of it too.....we shall see;-) I am finally in touch, deeply, with my internal guiding system.......feeling it deep inside my soul......surrendering to its guidance.....and feeling so grateful for all the beautiful places it is taking me too.....and the beautiful moments it is allowing me to experience:) Can't wait for what is next!

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