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A powerful reminder.......

I heard from my girl yesterday, and she was doing well, and seemed to be having a good that felt like relief considering the Friday goodbye.....and then in a roundabout way I came across the blog I had written in response to a scathing public post the other woman made about me early on in this story.....her post was pretty ugly and hateful toward me.....and at the time it rattled my cage for a minute when my friend shared it....but then a blog was borne inside of me in response to that....and it was exactly what I needed to say without engaging in it in a way that diminished me, the high road.....but it reminded me that even then......early in the story......I understood the power of not letting what others say diminish me, or rattle me off course from the mission I am here to do.....and the place I have now found my in all fairness the other woman and I have come a decent way from that space......and were each traveling through our own versions, and very different stories, both then and now.....but looking back on it, and coming across it made me proud of how I handled that.....and made me remember the more challenging parts of this that I have had to endure.....and feeling grateful for the support of the people I had at the time, and still do mostly.......people that helped me stay strong in such a trying time of my life....and I know there are many things that tell us that looking back shouldn't be a thing ever.....and I just don't agree.....every once in awhile taking that glimpse over our shoulder and seeing all the road we have walked is helpful......I was most definitely under attack during the time that she posted that, and I wrote that blog.....and my strength and eventual thriving came from refusing to be swept up in the storm.....storms that did not belong to me.....and looking back that is how the storm settled.....the storm realizing I was not going to participate, and give it anymore strength, and before I knew it the storm had ended mostly.....and I was floating on my buoy on calm water.....with the sun rising.....we don't have to participate in the storms of others.....we really don't......our power lies every time in being true to us.....and hanging onto that fiercely.....and remembering that I did that way back down the road, and will continue to choose that every time, makes me feel good......and safe.....:) Enjoy the day! I am excited to see my kids later for sure:)

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