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A novice and our excuses......

I have begun to feel really passionately about trying to get as many people as I can to understand the profound impact daily exercise makes in a person's life......I have written about it quite a few times, but if you are somebody that struggles to make it stick this may be the entry for you? Excuses are powerful right? We all make them.....about all sorts of things......I am trying to catch myself on those, these days too.....when I hear one run across my brain or come out of my mouth, I try and catch it before I believe excuse is only as powerful as our belief in it......if we believe what we are saying then it gains enormous strength.......but if we challenge it......just like those self limiting beliefs its power immediately deflates........commitment and consistency will get you nearly everything you ever wanted......but so will smashing those excuses.......just stop making them.....I had a bunch that prevented a daily routine.......I am too tired.......don't have time.......I can never exercise early in the morning.......can't get up any earlier.......don't know what kind of program to I would try.....walk some....try and be active.....and all of that was better than nothing.....but nothing is better than what I have found........I exercise EVERY day period.......nothing gets in the way......nothing has come along that has been enough to get in the way, because the place I hold it in in my life, is in a strong enough spot to keep it......I would say since I began, and committed to it all I have missed maybe less than 7 days.....for various reasons.......and it is because I am lucky enough to understand the value of,......but here is the other truth I am a novice......I have no idea what the hell I am doing in a real sense......I am not an exercise expert.....I have made it up as I have gone along......starting mostly with cardio and running on my treadmill.......then my treadmill broke so I shifted my focus to weight training and mat exercises, and now kickboxing for cardio.......and along the way between running till now I did trial and error searching exercises based on my goals......trying them out.......seeing what made it has been a living breathing evolution.......and now I don't run as much, although I still need to at least a little each day...... but get some better results in some sense via weights on the hunt for an elliptical now.......and going to add that for myself and will help his legs my point all of first and foremost exercising daily is POWERFUL......I cannot stress that only regret is I wish I understood it sooner in my would have changed so much..........I know you are tired.....I know it is hard to get motivated.......I know all of that and me......but if you can commit to doing it, even a little bit......and getting up every single day and refusing to listen to any excuse you can come up with......and do it again and will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.........I totally promise you:) Just trust me........Let your love of YOU be bigger than any excuse you can find and watch your life change! It doesn't matter what you do, just do it:) You won't be sorry! Have a great day:)

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