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A new thing........

So I am in the beginning stages of branding myself for my business.....and I know I sort of have organically all along.....before I started this journey, people were clear on who I was and I think really felt me much of the time.....getting my heart, and my intention in the world....and then after everything came crashing down and I started my blog, I began to brand myself without realizing it.....creating a brand for myself somewhat before my life coaching stuff even began......but now I feel as if I need to be more intentional about friend is working on helping people create a brand for themselves, she is a photographer and local business gal....and she is coming over this morning, so we can work on some of that.....figuring out where I am headed.....and it is hard to really have an ad or some photos convey who you are in a snapshot.....and while I am clear in so many ways as to who I am these days, combining my vibe with my business stuff in its entirety won't be with all the rest.....the creation of my business.....the blog being the jumping off point....the website and domain name being borne.....the logo all of it, I am trusting this process.....there has been some stagnant energy surrounding all of it as of late, if I am honest...... that I haven't loved......I have been feeling a little stuck, and in a procrastination space.....and I am not sure what that has been about, but I am working toward pushing through it all......and meeting with this friend is a good place to start.....she is inspiring and has great ideas, and I value her insight into it.....we are doing an event together soon with her picnic business.....and I am hoping it will be well attended.....and I can network some while I am there too......I get the chance to share some of my coaching stuff with some women, which is always fun! I have stuff on my mind and in the works, I just need to apply the inspired action to it all, and am struggling some in where I want to go the structuring of my next women's series.....and I know I need to figure it out......and mostly it really boils down to the committing of dates.....getting it on the calendar, and then promoting and trusting it all like I have with the last two.....and I guess we all get in our own way from time to time......and it is part of life, and I am offering up grace to myself.....knowing that timing is everything and I will catch the wave I am looking to catch to bring me to the places I need to be.....and part of that will be tied up in polishing up my business side of it all.....piece by piece.....and in my mind branding myself some is I am hoping today will bring clarity and motion to my business and help clear some of the stagnant energy! And I know the right vibe will step forward for me to put out there:) One step, one action, one day at a time, bringing me closer to where I want to be:)

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