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A much needed surge......

So I have said that this school year is a lot better than it has been in quite a few years.....and it really has. I love my class this year and am enjoying getting to know them.....and yesterday I got to have that magical surge of satisfaction that we all seek in teaching......I had two kiddos in my class that were giving me a really hard time, their behavior a challenge at the beginning of the year......I put them both on a behavior plan, pretty soon after the school year started......and both have them have turned it a huge way......I got to share that with one of the moms yesterday as she picked him up and it was so special.... being consistent and holding the line, and having the energy to do that this year, because my class size is small, has made all the difference.......and it is really the magic that teachers love, to REACH our students......either academically or personally, or both........I think my frustration last year was in the fact that I felt there were so many obstacles and challenges in the way of me doing that.......even though this year there is proof that I reached some of them too as they have come back to visit and said as much:) but in the moment it felt intense and this year feels like teaching magic some.....that light bulb moment happening often, the one that made me want to be a teacher......and I was talking to somebody yesterday about coaching.....and they are so parallel......teaching and wonder I love that so much too;-) but that shift that happens for a client as they realize their wisdom....their truth, and make a change, is the same way the light bulb moment feels......and the skills needed for both are very I am just going to enjoy this year.....not let anything get me down.....I feel like teaching runs in cycles.....every few years there is a group of kids that stand out, in a good way, and become a treasured class.....I feel like the last few years, each class I have had, amid the pandemic.......have stolen my heart for different reasons.....maybe because each year of teaching during the pandemic, carried its own set of challenges. Such a crazy I type this thinking of just HOW much we have all been through in the last 3 years......enormous my heart is grateful this morning for that surge of hope and confirmation that I am receiving this year, that I am where I am supposed to be for I work toward my goals.......and find satisfaction on repeat......and in a few directions..........pretty cool;-)

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