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A magical phenomenon

I am going to dip into some magical stuff today:) I hope you can bear with me;-) I have talked about how this journey I am on feels like an "enlightenment" of sorts, and I know that sounds dramatic and maybe hokey to some......but for me it feels true.....with every fiber of my being............and I do not mean that word in the religious sense......although that is a part of it for me faith has deepened in every sense......and I turn to my faith and belief in God to guide me often.....but it has expanded well bey0nd that.....I have talked about my understanding of astrology, and how that plays into all of that.....and the universal magic I feel I have seen, and experienced.....I see 11s often.....and have since this began......I have come to understand that they are sort of like universal high fives if you will lol;-) They come when I am thinking about or doing something that is in alignment with my path.....and have disappeared some when I veer from where I should be......they show up tons of ways........I have also started seeing crosses when I hike and in other places in life......also timely.....and seemingly feeling like a sign from the universe that I am on the right track......but one thing I have never touched on is something that has been happening for awhile much so that I could not chalk it up to coincidence.....which is something I do not even believe in anyway:) I don't believe that anything is a coincidence.......I believe that even the smallest moment can have significance in our story.....the mundane to the when I wake up.....I go make coffee and then I sit for a minute....with my coffee........and see where my mind or my heart leads for the day.....and I open my computer and begin my blog.....some days serious......some mundane, some philosophical, and everything in between.....but 9 times out of 10 when I go on FB to post my blog......and before I do so......the first meme that pops up is having to do with my blog happens so very often.....and I have come to feel that isn't a coincidence either......feeling as if it is encouragement again, that I am on the right track.....doing what I should yesterday's was so profound for me I have to share.....this weekend is of deep significance in my journey.....divine timing taking hold and that is what was on my heart to write about yesterday......and when I hopped on FB to post it this meme found me........"If it had arrived any earlier, you wouldn't have been ready for it. It's Divine Timing.....What is meant for you will always find its way, ALWAYS......" and well I am not sure that could fit this weekend I am taking the sign and the divine nod, and heading into the weekend trusting just that:) Happy Saturday!

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