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A lovely day!

Yesterday was a lovely day......I had a slower start to my morning....then did my own head shots for the book I am a part of to save me some moola ;-) then mowed my lawn, and string trimmed.....then headed to my parents to hike Point Peter with my dad is rehabbing a hip replacement at the end of April and he is killing is healing beautifully....and I am so impressed with how well he is doing so was an uphill hike most of the way and he did it.....made it look easy in fact:) And hanging with my parents is a gift .....I don't take it for granted....and hanging them when my kids are with their dad hits a little different...a treat to just hang with them, and have the opportunity to do so:) And then we had an amazing burger at Shane's restaurant at the Best was so good:) then I came home and showered, and just chilled and talked with a friend....and when my kids are with their dad I have to just release that part of me....the mom part....and lay it down for the weekend, and choose to not worry, or let their being gone consume me....trusting they are having a good time too....and they normally do....and the weekends they are gone have taught me many lessons.....they have taught me surrender.....and how to better do it.....they have taught me the art of releasing control and worry....they have taught me how to be more intentional about filling my cup and giving to myself in that space that has found my be intentional about the things I do on those weekends.....So today I have a few chore type stuff things on my plate....maybe a walk with a friend....Farmer's Market....slower morning.....and gearing up for my last few days of school! I cannot believe we are is kinda hard to believe how quickly this year has I blinked and here we are.....I feel really happy about the end of the year coming though....because I have so many things to take care of in the space of summer vacation....and this summer is going to be about productivity, and intentional day adventuring with my kids! A balance of those two things:) Making doctor appts....taking care of paperwork and phone out my house more, and projects around here..... My kitchen renovation, and staining my deck! Painting indoors......and lots of hiking:) Lots of memories building.....summer here I come:) Enjoy THIS beautiful day y'all:) Happy Sunday:)

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