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A dodged bullet and protection........

Before I get in to today, I am so hopeful that this won't come off hokey or strange;-) But as always I am sharing my experience as I experience it.....I had written awhile back about my feeling like this situation that has happened to me with my marriage ending, caused a spiritual awakening of sorts.....and I know that is a big term and a big idea....and something that speaks to personal beliefs.......and I get that fully......but for me it feels true in every was as if I was living most of my life in the black and white version of The Wizard of Oz, and then somebody turned on that vivid color:) The part where the lovely Glenda appears lol:) My entire life, and my experience in my life has been broken wide open.....and along with that there has been a very present divine feeling, or force and protection that has been guiding my clearly I can FEEL it.......and sometimes I wonder if it was present all along, and I just wasn't as in tune....because I have always walked in faith and prayed to God and believed in that deeply.....and I have always been protected, if I look back that has always been present in my story.....all the heartaches and challenges that have found me in this life have been equally balanced in light and magic.....but something about this one has taken it to a higher level and feels different in every my steps are divinely led and provision and blessing is found around every corner....yesterday I desperately needed to find some documents....and they had been put in that so safe place that you forget where that is know that place don't ya?;-) So I was feeling a little panicked, because the need for them was imminent....and I took a breath, said a prayer, and not 10 minutes later it occurred to me where they likely were....and sure enough I found them right there. And that kind of thing happens often.....recently I dodged a big bullet in my life, and was saved just in time to maintain what I wanted to, and be protected from more eventual hurt and pain......and the protection again showed up so clearly.......and yesterday I had left the snow till the morning ....foolish move I know.....but I had put the rest of the deck furniture away on Saturday, and put all of Christmas away, and cooked a bunch, and was physically spent......I could not bring myself to snow blow Saturday night in the blinding snow, so I opted for a good night's sleep, and to rest up to get ready for snow removal yesterday......and it was not a wise move......the snow was so deep, over a foot, and super wet, and heavy.....and snow blowing it was no easy task, let alone the shoveling.....and my cousin texted me before I was heading out, seemingly out of the blue, and said he would up to help......and help he did...:) more of that protection......and I cannot really articulate it is hard.....but there is a quality that has taken over my life where I am living a little deeper......a little more aware and so much that I never was.....and sometimes it makes me feel really separate of other people in a way that is hard.......I see so many people around me, and their lives seem so different than mine is now.....and I long sometimes for that normalcy if that makes sense?? But other times I am so grateful for the awareness, the depth, and all that has found me, and the feeling of magic, and intuitive sense and the things that have found me. And those examples I have given might seem small, and maybe they would be to some, but stuff like that happens so often......I was dealing with that situation where I dodged a bullet recently, and right at an appropriate moment my friend texted me a cross she found at Hornbeck's, giving me confirmation that I was on the right track.....since I find crosses there so often.....that is a magical place for sure.....I could perhaps write a short book on the examples I feel I have to support how I feel in the world now ,and in the last three years, in terms of signs and protection, and perhaps I will someday:) But suffice to say I FEEL the protection I am being provided deeply....and clearly.....I am certain of it, and will always heed it.....always.....and be appreciative of it....and it will keep me faithful and unafraid of anything that lies ahead, and more importantly excited about what lies ahead, because I know it will continue to pull me along and guide me to all of the magical places yet to be discovered up ahead, and keep me out of the dark places where I do not belong.....not getting snagged in traps.....and that feels amazing! I believe we are ALL protected....all subject to what I am is just a matter of being aware of it, and really feeling it, and hearing it....and once you do, really opens up.....I remember feeling this way some after my sister passed....seeing another layer of the world and of consciousness that I hadn't previously it has always been there....and maybe I fell asleep again at the wheel.......and that is why it feels anew to me......However I am never falling asleep again, and infinitely grateful for dodging that recent bullet, and for all of the divine guidance that touches my journey:) Happy Monday!

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