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A circle is full......

Tonight as I kick off my women's series, and keep chasing my big dreams related to my new path, I am reminded that today marks a circle.....a full one if you will;-) Two years ago I was swimming in pain at this time.....blinding, relentless, unending pain, and suffering every day......with what seemed like no relief in sight.....and the idea that I could be here.....being able to take that pain and help others, feels like something......and was something I could not imagine then.......and it feels as if my pain has truly been transformed into purpose......that the chasing of my dream, and the understanding I held about that dream, when maybe others did not, is kinda realized in passion for doing all of this, coaching, group coaching, my series runs deep inside of is a call I answered for my life......much like a call to ministry, or some other call that folks hear in their lives......I hold a deep understanding of what I am to do serve others in their pain and suffering and hold space for them, in a world that doesn't always offer too much room for people to hurt......sort of in the mindset of get over it already....and that is so sad......and really needs to to that end I am trying.....but something about this morning and today feels milestone like.....there have been a few places in this journey like that......where as I was climbing the mountain and all of the sudden stumbled upon a lookout, and got to stand there for a minute and look out......and when those lookouts come to find me and I checkout the just changes everything......the alchemizing of one situation to another.....with intention.....with passion.....and with tonight I cannot wait to start this journey with these women.....a journey of 8.......8 souls on different journeys but somehow finding a meeting spot right here......a place to stop for a moment......take a drink......catch their they journey back to themselves in some way.....and the cosmic and divine energy that brought this all together.......brought us all together today, at this spot in time.....the nudging in my heart to write my step out in faith not once but twice to put it out there, and the willingness of others to this circle spins in my heart and mind today......with gratitude, and feeling honored to be able to offer any respite I can, and to offer some opportunities for growth for these women in their goals and dreams....and I have said it often, I do not have all the answers.....not even close.....I struggle too and make it up as I go;-) but I have found some nuggets of goodness along the way, and real ways to leave the pain and suffering behind, and I have a deep willingness to walk alongside others so they can do the tonight we begin......Let's go!

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