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A champion of women!

Yesterday was International Women's Day! I most definitely think women should have a day devoted to them, no question! And I have written before about my discomfort long ago with being too much woman, rah rah if you will lol;-) .....Having a vantage point of being a wife, a mother, and a teacher.....and not feeling my womanhood in a certain way then.....and I never judged it, or didn't want it for other just did not resonate with me at that felt like a fairy how could you be so "I am woman, hear me roar!" But live in the confines of a traditional life.....? I didn't know.....and now I do...:) Women are powerful creatures....and I said what I said lol:) I have always fancied myself to be independent and strong, all of my life.....but never fully allowing myself to step into the power of the woman that lived inside of me....feeling afraid to some......and now she is here! And I saw a reel the other day of a powerful woman.....younger.....on a journey similar to mine, and she is fiercely independent, and said it plain language......she is a champion of women.....she loves women and their causes.....and I feel the same....I am a champion of women, and have such a heart in this chapter for their plights and struggles, and for helping them overcome them...I had somebody at school share with me her own challenges inside her marriage yesterday....somebody I don't know very well....and I have always been a person people share stuff with....but nowadays it happens way more often.....and she told me she has been contemplating divorce for 4 years....and she is younger, and her reasons are valid.....and I do not take divorce lightly.....not at all.....I believe vows and marriage should be honored, and worked on, and all of it....but when it reaches a certain point, and it is diminishing a person....and depleting them, and it is obvious it won't change.... it is time to free yourself.....I do not believe you need to stay with a person unwilling to change....and spend your life "doing the right thing" to the detriment of it all......I just don't......I used to, but not anymore.......and I was happy to offer my ear and share my thoughts.....having been on the other side now....and knowing that divorce, in my case, wasn't the end of the world.....for myself or my fact despite the initial was healthier for us in the long run.....and it was exactly what I needed to have happen, to get the opportunity to become who I came here to be!:) There is an epidemic of unhappy women.....burdened with chores and marriages, where they are not getting the help they need or deserve....and it isn't is expected that women are the ones that work full time and do it ALL.....and that isn't fair, and over time it depletes a person....and do not misunderstand.....I do not hate the fellas;-) I love men! :):)And I know that there are amazing men out there...doing amazing things.....being amazing partners......and fiercely loving and supporting their women, I know that:) I am just on a mission in my new life to free women where that isn't the case, and have them remember to demand what they need, and realize that they deserve it.....and that life is too precious to feel a certain way....and the only reason I feel qualified to do so, is because I have been shown the contrast.....and now I understand! So I am here to continue to share my story, and empower women to live the life they wish to....and feel the ways they want become visible in their own lives.....their own stories, their own power! And I am indeed a champion of women! Happy International Women's Day to all you strong and fierce women! I am proud to walk among all of you! :)

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